Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Would You Rather... | #43

I began posting this back in 2018 and thought I would bring it back, given that my motivation to blog has returned with force. You might recognize some from prior use, but I am changing up which ones are paired together to give a variety of choices.

There's no real criteria or guidelines. Choose the nook you would love most if given a choice, justify it however you'd like.

Nook A

Nook B

Which one do you love most?

Happy Reading!


  1. I don't really love either of them. Number one is too cutesy and number two is too...sterile. But if I HAD to choose, I suppose I would pick number one.

    1. Neither are favorites of mine either but I would choose A because I like to be cozy while I'm reading.

    2. I doubt I could get into A let alone get out of it again. And I'm not a fan of black and white, plus, there isn't really a comfy chair.

  2. I think B might give me a migraine if I stayed there too long. With A I'd worry about about how strong that ceiling was.... [lol] Plus I can imagine the hanging thing starting to rotate a bit much... SO much to consider! [lol]

  3. Ooh both of these nooks are a bit too busy for my tastes, but if I had to choose one, I'd go with B. At least the color choices are a bit more neutral.

    1. Agreed! I don't like either very much, but A would be the one for me if I had to choose.


Thanks for visiting my little book nook. I love talking books so leave a comment and let's chat!