Tuesday, July 9, 2024

ARCs Challenge Part II

Three weeks ago Eleanor had to go with her father for a week and I did THIS to pass the time. I was drowning in ARCs and it was far more successful than I thought it would be.

Then we spent the last two weeks in Minnesota with family and had a blast. I didn't read a ton, did zero reviews, and it was glorious. We spent a lot of time with my grandparents and Eleanor made friends with some girls in their neighborhood. They live in a town of maybe a thousand people who are mainly elderly, so Eleanor loved the freedom of going to the park, riding her scooter, and playing with her friends (thank God for 'Find My iPhone' though). We also went to the big waterpark by my mom's house, got pedicures, and saw Inside Out 2. On our last night, we saw Niall Horan in concert, he sang San Francisco (my fave Niall song ever; it's not always on the setlist), and I died of happiness. We had 4th row floor seats and VIP Lounge access. Eleanor made a bracelet for him and gave it to one of his direct employees in charge of the lounge, so during the encore security found us to give her the setlist and one of his guitar picks, then let us go up to the barricade for the final two songs. It was an absolute dream.

Which brings us to this morning. Eleanor had to leave this for another week, so now my goal is to keep reading the ARCs that are left, and ALSO get these damn reviews done. It's going to be a lot more difficult to do the reviews, because I just want to read. But I am also super competitive with myself (and others) as you know, so having such a low NetGalley ratio (70% 😭) is killing me.

First let's look at the ARCs left.


Not Started

Not too bad, right?!

But now we have to look at the finished ones needing reviews. It's ridiculous. I copy and pasted it from the State of the ARC post so the font is different but there is no way I am retyping this stupidly massive list. I'm lucky publishers still give me books.

American Demon - Sept, 2022 (NetGalley)
Nothing but the Night - Sept, 2022 (NetGalley)
The Night in Question - May, 2023 (NetGalley)
Expletives Not Deleted - May, 2023 (Author Gift)
The Return of the Ripper? - May, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Women of Rothschild - Oct, 2022 (NetGalley)
Dead of Winter - July, 2023 (NetGalley)
Henry VIII's Children - May, 2023 (NetGalley)
Thin Air - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
Let Him In - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
Suddenly a Murder - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
After You Vanished - Aug, 2023 (NetGalley)
Tangled Vines - Aug, 2023 (Publicist via NetGalley)
The Clinic - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Hitler I Knew - June, 2023 (NetGalley)
Last Girl Breathing - Nov, 2023 (NetGalley)
No One Can Know - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
Who Haunts You - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
That's Not My Name - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Merciless King of Moore High - Apr, 2024 (NetGalley)
The One that Got Away with Murder - Apr, 2024 (NetGalley)
Win Lose Kill Die - Nov, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Heiress - Jan, 2024 (Publicist via NetGalley)
A Place for Vanishing - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
Attached at the Hip - May, 2024 (NetGalley)
I Know Who You Are - Feb, 2023 (NetGalley)
Henry VIII - April, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Sweating Sickness Epidemic - May, 2023 (NetGalley)
How to Dress Like a Tudor - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
Royal Mysteries of the Tudor Period - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Night House - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
Criminal Classes - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
One-Armed Jack - Feb, 2024 (NetGalley)
History vs. Hollywood - Mar, 2024 (NetGalley)
Heiress Takes All - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
Perfect Little Monsters - May, 2024 (NetGalley)
If Something Happens to Me - May, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Nature of Disappearing - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
They Were Here Before Us - Mar, 2024 (NetGalley)
Two Sides to Every Murder - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Lake of Lost Girls - Nov, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Midnight Feast - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
Seasick - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
Malicia - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
Death at Morning House - Aug, 2024 (NetGalley)
Murder in the Scottish Highlands - Sept, 2024 (Gift via NetGalley) 
One House Left - Aug, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Debutantes - Oct, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Blackhouse - Jan, 2023 (NetGalley)
A Few Days Full of Trouble - Jan, 2023 (Publicist via NetGalley)
Broadmoor Inmates - Aug, 2023 (NetGalley)
Worst Medieval Monarchs - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Society for Soulless Girls - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
West Heart Kill - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Rosewood Hunt - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
Through the Morgue Door - Feb, 2024 (NetGalley)
A Midnight Puzzle - Mar, 2024 (NetGalley)
Tudor Executions - Jul, 2024 (NetGalley)
Vantage Point - Jan, 2025 (NetGalley)
Arthur, Prince of Wales - May, 2023 (NetGalley)
Crime and Punishment in Tudor England - Aug, 2023 (NetGalley)
This Book Kills - Sept, 2024 (NetGalley)
Killer House Party - Oct, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Mystery Writer - Mar, 2024 (NetGalley)
Great Scandals of the Victorians - May, 2024 (NetGalley)

I thought about prioritizing by pub date (looking at those 2022s, yikes!), but I am a mood reviewer as much as I am a mood reader so let's keep this simple.

It's going to be a rough road, but I have the time and focus, so I will do as much as I can. I really enjoyed so many of these so the reviews themselves are easy, it's just the motivating myself to do anything but read while Eleanor is gone that is the obstacle. Some were also absolutely trash, and those reviews are fun, too.

Here we go. Wish me luck!

Happy Reading


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