Wednesday, January 6, 2021

I Have No Words

 I am simultaneously in shock and completely unsurprised that trump and his hateful rhetoric incited an insurrection today.

If you still support trump, fuck you.

That's all.


  1. i'm not surprised either... i don't see how the repub party can sink any lower...

    1. Well, they still have two weeks in power... So......

    2. MP - McConnell and Graham especially make me sick. They've had four years to do the right thing and only yesterday decided to speak out against him? Bullshit. The only one I will ever have any respect for is Romney, because he has never wavered in his opposition to trump and is the only one who voted for impeachment.

    3. CK - articles of impeachment were already being written last night and I have no doubt they will push it through to the Senate. Nadler already said it doesn't need to be presented to his committee. trump won't be impeached but something needs to happen to signal to trump and his rabid, seditious base that this will not stand and this is not how democracy works. You don't get to disrupt the workings of our government with unlawful terroristic acts of violence and destruction because you're mad that you lost.

      Despite calls for the 25th Amendment being invoked, Pence would have to take it up and even though it has been discussed among remaining cabinet members, even if they invoke it, it won't get though Congress. However, both of these things MUST happen to show trump he can not continue to incite violence. Impeachment is very likely. 25th amendment, not so much unfortunately.

  2. Well, if there was any doubt before we're certain now. The USA is no longer the 'Leader of the Free World'. "Peaceful Transfer of Power"? Yeah, right. [shakes head] What a farce your country has turned into. This is going to take more than four years to fix. If I was the praying kind I'd pray for you..... [shakes head again].

    1. I am still so livid tonight, looking at the aftermath; the complete failure by the police, the obvious assistance by members of the Capitol police force, the destruction and complete and ignorant belief that the election was stolen, it is all too much. And we know it is not over. These assholes have been planning this very openly for the last two weeks, whenever trump's fucking 'rally' for yesterday was announced. LIVE BOMBS were discovered at both the DNC and the RNC. That's not even being reported, because it is not even the worst thing that happened yesterday. I can't. I just can't. And to think that they're already planning - again openly - to return on inauguration day? How Parler is not under constant surveillance is an absolute fucking joke.

  3. I actually cried because of this. I am so sad about all of this.

    1. I am till so sick to my stomach, and filled with a rage I have not felt in a long time. I am SO furious.

  4. I am so disgusted by everything. I just don't understand how so many people are still backing him.

    1. I don't understand either. He has lied and lied and lied. They just eat it up. Look how quick they turned on Pence, who literally could not overturn anything. These fucking delusional morons don't understand that the VP does not have that power.

  5. Having never supported Trump and always understood what he is, I can't say I'm surprised. I am shocked, especially that so many Republicans would still follow him in an attempted coup.

    1. I can not wait for Hawley to lose the next time he runs for office. He is as responsible for this as trump. And every other fucking senator and representative who signed on to the objection.

  6. Same. It was a horrendous day. I was in shock and had tears rolling down my eyes. I am still trying to process everything.

    1. I am too. I'm livid. I was up so late this morning, until after two, watching Cuomo and Lemon for a couple hours. I just could not look away. Shocked, but not surprised. This is on trump and every single fucking sentaor and rep who objected to the counts. This is 100% on them.

  7. Right after the inauguration in 2017, we went on a trip to Europe that saw us spend some time in both Poland and Germany. In Berlin, we did a historical tour that specifically focussed on the rise of Hitler and fascism in the country. The parallels to Trump were frightening then. This week, we simply saw those words and action come to fruition. It is sad but not surprising.

    1. Exactly. I was incredibly saddened and shocked by the footage itself, sad that it ever happened. But not at all surprised that it happened. Between COVID and this, 2021 is going to be rough.

  8. I'm still in disbelief over all that's been happening in the US... the current pictures of military sleeping in government buildings around DC to secure the capitol for the inauguration are also frightening... That the US needs to bring in 20k troops to secure the handover of power to an elected government... Mind-blowing.

    1. It is truly terrifying. It also baffles me that the Capitol Police didn't take the threats seriously - they were warned by the NYPD and the FBI about possible threats. It was all over Parler. Still is, or was I guess, since Parler was removed from all the app stores. They planned this in broad daylight, out in public, and there was no additional security the day of trump's stupid rally.

      I hope that the inauguration becomes an indoor event and we can watch through livestream. There is no good reason to hold it outdoors, especially because there are plans, again out in the open, for more riots and attacks tomorrow and the 20th. Not only in DC, but at state capitol buildings also.

      I can only hope that those who supported this insurrection who are in Congress are expelled, and that trump will be convicted in the Senate after being impeached in the House. If convicted, he can never run for president again, can not get a lifetime payment of $200K a year, and will no longer be afforded secret service protection.


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