Sunday, April 8, 2018

Books Are The Best Reward

I can pretty much justify any book purchase, though I have been told that my logic does not resemble Earth logic.

(Bonus points for anyone who knows what show that logic line is from!)


  1. Yes to that! I need to reward myself with a few books after having the flu...we must make the most of every excuse!

    1. Oh FOR SURE!! Recovering from an illness is ALWAYS a reason to celebrate with books!

  2. Thought I knew where it came from.... Googled it anyway.... So, essentially cheated.....

    But totally agree. It's looking like rain. Need a book to cover that eventuality in case I' stuck somewhere waiting for it to stop.

    1. And did you find the answer?? BUFFY! She says it to Xander in season 3, in the episode The Wish when they were talking about how he and Willow had kissed and Cordelia and Oz had come to rescue them.

      Difficult weather is also cause for book-procuring.

  3. Aw I don't know that one...

  4. Haha, hilarious, and so true :D it's a good thing I'm not a bookshop buyer. I just go in, see the prices, browse around and go out :D now NetGalley or Amazon... Those are more dangerous to me :DD

    1. I rarely buy books at regular price - it's Half Price Books for me, and I usually find some really good deals there. And yes, Amazon and Kindle Unlimited and dangerous!


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