Saturday, August 31, 2024

Eleanor Reads! July & Augest Edition

Each month Eleanor and I share the chapter books we read. We've been reading chapter books since before Kindergarten and her attention span as a four year old was definitely something to brag about. Eleanor was born a reader and that makes my heart so, so happy.

Currently Reading Together

Read Together

Currently Reading Independently*

Eleanor's Independent Reads

Eleanor's Rereads

Eleanor's DNFs

Do the kiddos in your life have an interest in any of these?

Happy Reading,
Eleanor and Sarah

State of the ARC #66

State of the ARC is a monthly feature hosted by Evelina at Avalinah's Books - and now me, too! I took over temporary hosting duties back in early 2020. A couple months ago Evelina asked if I would like to co-host and of course I said yes! If you are new to the meme, you can check out the guidelines HERE.

Links go to my review. The majority of the ARCs I receive are through NetGalley. I sometimes find a book or two via Edelweiss or BookSirens. Others have come from authors, publicists, or were offered to me from a publisher who specifically approved me for it on NetGalley; I will always note in the review how I acquired the ARC.

Currently Reading

Gun Barons - May, 2022 (NetGalley)
Urban Nomad - Aug, 2022 (Publicist Gift)
Egypt's Golden Couple - Nov, 2022 (Publicist via NetGalley)
Glow in the Fucking Dark - Feb, 2023 (Publicist via NetGalley)
Let This Radicalize You - May, 2023 (Publisher Gift)
The Summer of 1876 - May, 2023 (Publisher via NetGalley)
Clan Battles - June, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Girls of Summer - June, 2023 (Publicist via NetGalley)
Life in Victorian Era Ireland - Aug, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Kingmaker's Women - Aug, 2023 (NetGalley)
Monumental Lies - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Clapham Train Incident - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
UFO Science - Oct, 2023 (Author Gift)
The Last Outlaws - Nov, 2023 (NetGalley)
Following Caesar - Dec, 2023 (NetGalley)
God Save Benedict Arnold - Dec, 2023 (Gift via NetGalley)
Cold Crematorium - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
Dark Parts of the Universe - Apr, 2024 (NetGalley)
A History of the World in 12 Shipwrecks - Apr, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Eight King Henrys of England - May, 2024 (NetGalley)
Women in the Valley of the Kings - Jul, 2024 (Gift via NetGalley)
Friends - Aug, 2024 (NetGalley)
Women Who Kill - Aug, 2024 (NetGalley)
Lady jane Grey - Aug, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Moat Farm Murder - Aug, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Cure for Women - Dec, 2024 (NetGalley)
Reclaiming the Black Body - Jan, 2025 (Gift via NetGalley)

Finished, Review to Come
American Demon - Sept, 2022 (NetGalley)
Nothing but the Night - Sept, 2022 (NetGalley)
The Night in Question - May, 2023 (NetGalley)
Expletives Not Deleted - May, 2023 (Author Gift)
The Women of Rothschild - Oct, 2022 (NetGalley)
Dead of Winter - July, 2023 (NetGalley)
Thin Air - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
Let Him In - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
Suddenly a Murder - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
After You Vanished - Aug, 2023 (NetGalley)
Tangled Vines - Aug, 2023 (Publicist via NetGalley)
The Clinic - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
Last Girl Breathing - Nov, 2023 (NetGalley)
No One Can Know - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
Who Haunts You - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
That's Not My Name - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Merciless King of Moore High - Apr, 2024 (NetGalley)
The One that Got Away with Murder - Apr, 2024 (NetGalley)
Win Lose Kill Die - Nov, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Heiress - Jan, 2024 (Publicist via NetGalley)
A Place for Vanishing - Jan, 2024 (NetGalley)
Perfect Little Monsters - May, 2024 (NetGalley)
If Something Happens to Me - May, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Nature of Disappearing - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
They Were Here Before Us - Mar, 2024 (NetGalley)
Two Sides to Every Murder - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Lake of Lost Girls - Nov, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Midnight Feast - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
Seasick - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
Malicia - Jun, 2024 (NetGalley)
Death at Morning House - Aug, 2024 (NetGalley)
Murder in the Scottish Highlands - Sept, 2024 (Gift via NetGalley) 
One House Left - Aug, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Debutantes - Oct, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Blackhouse - Jan, 2023 (NetGalley)
A Few Days Full of Trouble - Jan, 2023 (Publicist via NetGalley)
Broadmoor Inmates - Aug, 2023 (NetGalley)
Worst Medieval Monarchs - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Society for Soulless Girls - Sept, 2023 (NetGalley)
West Heart Kill - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
The Rosewood Hunt - Oct, 2023 (NetGalley)
Through the Morgue Door - Feb, 2024 (NetGalley)
A Midnight Puzzle - Mar, 2024 (NetGalley)
Tudor Executions - Jul, 2024 (NetGalley)
Vantage Point - Jan, 2025 (NetGalley)
Arthur, Prince of Wales - May, 2023 (NetGalley)
Crime and Punishment in Tudor England - Aug, 2023 (NetGalley)
This Book Kills - Sept, 2024 (NetGalley)
Killer House Party - Oct, 2024 (NetGalley)
Great Scandals of the Victorians - May, 2024 (NetGalley)
Under This Red Rock - Mar, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Blonde Dies First - Jul, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Bitter End - Oct, 2024 (NetGalley)
What the Woods Took - Dec, 2024 (NetGalley)
Thieves' Gambit - Apr, 2024 (NetGalley - first published in 2023, received  as 'read now' ahead of book two's {Heist Royale} publication in November)
The Blonde Dies First - Jul, 2024 (NetGalley)
Heist Royale - Nov, 2024 (NetGalley)
The Busines Trip - Jan, 2025 (NetGalley)
Killer Her Twice - Apr, 2024 (NetGalley)
Saltwater - Mar, 2025 (Gift via NetGalley)


Review or Feedback Completed

At my best, my NetGalley ratio was 97%. Then I proceeded to go on several binges because I have no shelf control.

In July I set a challenge for myself that you can read about HERE. This post was originally supposed to go up on July 31st, but that was the day we had this big crazy storm with hurricane-force winds that knocked out power for upwards of ten days for some. The challenge itself was pretty successful. Now I am back in review-mode so hopefully I get that ratio back up again.

How are you doing with your ARC goals? Let's talk ARCs!

Happy Reading

Stacking the Shelves #302

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc

Library Treasures

Marketing Gift via NetGalley

I was gifted these three books in preparation for two book tours coming for the latest books in each series.

Happy Reading

Tackling the TBR | Week 27 28 29 30 31 32 | Jul 15 - Aug 31, 2024


Here we go!

This is year FIVE of Tackling the TBR and I finally have things sort-of under control. My ultimate goal is to get under 500 books, but I also have to be realistic - just think of all the books not even written yet that I will want to read. When I started this mess  I was at well over 5,000 books on the TBR, so to be where I am now is pretty incredible.

I will post on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and last day of the month.

Previous Week's TBR Total: 2,039

Currently Reading

Books Read

Books DNFed:

Books Added to TBR: 

Books Removed from TBR: 0

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 2,041

Happy Reading!