
This site is the easiest way to contact me first. Leave a comment on any page or post that pertains to what you are interested in or want to chat about.

I am very active on Goodreads and can be found HERE.

All The Book Blog Names Are Taken is also on Facebook at

I can be found on Twitter also, endlessly retweeting and exclaiming my love for all things Scotland, England, and Ireland. Follow me at

My podcast can be found at Depth Xpressions: Sarah's Book Nook.


  1. Hi Sarah I just listened to your podcast review of St. Marks Is Dead: The Many Lives of America's Hippest Street
    by Ada Calhoun. First of all it was great to hear your lovely voice and accent. Second I'd never heard of St Marks Place or Ada Calhoun. So both were a revelation to me. It was obvious from your presentation that you really enjoyed this book. As a listener I found your enthusiasm for the book made me curious to know more about both St Marks Place and the author. Would you say this book falls in the genre of a "biography" of a place? Or is it more of a memoir of the author's experiences of St Marks Place? Or maybe both? Congratulations and best wishes for your future podcasts! John

  2. Thank you for your comment John! This is definitely a biography of St Marks Place. Ms. Calhoun does share her own experiences, but they are not central to the book. I highly recommend it and am glad you are interested!

  3. Hi Sarah,
    I'm so pleased to see 1066 Turned Upside Down on your Top Ten Tuesday today. As one of the creators, I'm delighted you enjoyed it. I was also wondering if, as an anglo-saxon fan, you would like to read one of the novels in my Queens of the Conquest series? If you are a Hardrada fan then you might like The Constant Queen about his wife, Elizaveta of Kiev? I could ask my publisher to send one to you if you are interested? All the best, Joanna Courtney

  4. Hi Joanna, thank you! I really loved the 1066 collection, that year is one of my favorites to play the "what-if" game with and it did not disappoint. I'd love to read one of those novels, I do not know much about Elizaveta at all. I am definitely interested and would be happy to read it, thank you! I have a Kindle, and my email address is

  5. As delighted as Joanna that you included 1066 Turned Upside Down among your Top Ten Tuesday today! Mine was the Roman story; alternate history is my writing genre, so the creators of the anthology invited me to contribute. I see you incline towards Romans and non-fiction. Have you read Augustus by Adrian Goldsworthy? Highly recommended!
    Anyway, if you would like to read more about alternate Roman heroines, I'd be delighted to send you any book from the Roma Nova thriller series.

    1. I LOVED that one! It was such a unique perspective and I did not expect it at all. It was a fabulous addition to the collection.

      I would be happy to read any you would like to share. Though, I will admit that my knowledge of Roman history is no where near what it is for the Plantagenets and Tudors. But I would always like to learn more and alternative history is increasingly interesting to me. I will take a look at the series and let you know, or is there one in particular you would like me to read?

    2. The first three books are one trilogy more or less in the present, the second, AURELIA, INSURRECTIO and RETALIO, take place over a period late 1960s to early 1980s. RETALIO will be out on 27 April. I would suggest starting with AURELIA. Would you like me to send you a copy (ebook or paperback)?

    3. Sure, that would be great. I'd love a paperback copy if you don't mind (I really like to show off books I receive from authors and publishers and it is easier to do with physical copies!) Will it come directly from you or a publisher? We can communicate through my blog on Facebook for me to get you my address and such. Thank you for this opportunity!

  6. Hi dear Sarah;
    I read your review for "15:17 to Paris" on Goodreads. it was helpful indeed. I just need you to shed more light on sth about the book for me if you can of course, and this is that how much of the book covers the story of The terrorsit, Ayoub Al-Khazzani? his past? his life? how he ended up being a terrorist? I'm working on an article and this is really crucial for me to know it. because I don't have any access to the book at the moment.
    thank you in advance.

    1. Hi Sam,

      Thank you for contacting me! I read the book quite a while ago and had borrowed it from my local library so it is no longer in my possession. I unfortunately do not recall specific details about the attacker. Is there a deadline you would need the information by or when your article is due? I might be able to see if I can check the book out again, to see what details were included, if any.

    2. Hi Sarah;
      Actually there is no deadline for my article, at least for next 4 months I guess. so I think that would be great for me to read more from you. Just keep in mind that I do never want to put you in any kind of trouble or bother.

    3. Hello Sam,

      It is no bother. I enjoy research and helping others with their own research as well. I can put in a hold request for the book and let you know what, if any, information is in there that you would like to know. Sorry I was not better able to recall off the top of my head, it has been a while since I've read it. But I will gladly help if I can.

    4. Hello again Sarah;
      You have been a great help already and I just can not ask more. You are very supportive and responsible, every time I post a comment, it is you replying right away and I can't thank you enough. just take your time and let me know whenever the moment comes.

    5. You are very welcome, I am glad I can be helpful. It will be a few days until I can pick up the book, but I will let you now when I have it.

    6. That would be amazing and appreciated dear Sarah.
      Thanks again

  7. Hi Sarah! Just wanted to let you know that I nominated your website for an award. Check it out here: It's just meant to be fun, and to honor how awesome your blog site is!

    1. Oh my gosh, how did I not see this until now?? I am so sorry!!! Thank you so much, that was so nice of you!

  8. Hi Sarah, I have an incredible memoir available for review if you're interested. Goodreads:

    Please email me for a copy:

    Thanks for your time!

  9. Hi Sarah - I am writing regarding a book you have on your site, to be read: The Child Bride by Philippa Wiat. I found the subject so interesting that I started researching Anne, and what I find is very different from what this book claims. I have tried to find information on the author, to see if she is credible as an historian, but there is nothing on her, anywhere that I can find. I know you must do your homework...what do you think? Have you heard these claims about Anne before, from other historians, or are their findings questionable (not sure what is true)? I don't even want to send this because I don't want to ruin your fun, but maybe you know more about this subject than me? I'm just worried that this may be misinformation and I can't keep it to myself. I hope you don't mind!

    - Donna

    1. Oh goodness Donna, I don't mind at all! I am glad you sent this, because I certainly want to know whether something is factual or not. I do not have the book yet, as it is coming from the UK and I used standard shipping so it will probably be another week or so before it arrives. I know it is not a new publication, it was published in 1990. I have never heard anything about Anne Mowbray aside from what is stated in books about Richard, and most simply say they were married very young, and that is about the extent of it. Any mentions I have come across of her have always been in publications about the princes, she has never been the focus. I am interested to see what sources were used for the information the author provides and I will definitely let you know as soon as I do! What sources have you been reading? I would like to look at them also.

  10. Hi there, would you be interested in reviewing my history book 'The Origins of the CWS'? I can send you a PDF file.

    Yours kindly,
    Timothy Quill-Manley

    1. Possibly. Can you give me a little more information? I read the synopsis at your link and on Goodreads, and am still not quite clear what the organization is? Where else could I find this information so I know a little more about the subject before I begin? Thanks!

  11. Dear Sarah,

    I'm Cristina Deptula, publicist working with author Nakia Jones, an Ohio police officer and a Black woman who felt conflicted after the police murder of Alton Sterling, when her young son shared with her that he felt afraid of police and wondered if he would be the next person to die at their hands.

    She spoke out in a passionate social media video where she urged her fellow officers, 'if you're white, and you are working in an African American community and you dislike or are afraid of people who are of a different skin color than you, you've got no business in the uniform, take it off.'

    Her memoir, The Truth Divided, shares Nakia Jones' story, her inspirations to say what she did, and the reactions she received. This is a timely book on an important topic. Book came out in 2018 from Book Venture and the author speaks and writes currently on related topics.

    Please let me know if you would be interested in reviewing this book, and we will send you a PDF copy.

    About The Truth Divided:

    The Truth Divided is about Officer Nakia Jones who became known to many after her passionate facebook post went viral in June of 2016 after the death of Alton Sterling an African American male shot to death by Police in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Officer Jones stepped outside of her uniform and in to her role of a mother of two African American sons, who reacts when her oldest son expresses to her the fear he has of some of the men and women who wear the same uniform she does. The words that would pierce the heart of any mother, and the words that no mother should ever hear her child say regardless of color. He asked, "Will I be the next African American male to be killed by police?"
    Within in the first 24 hours of her compassionate video it had been shared over 100 thousand times and viewed over 2 million times. Officer Nakia Jones became a hashtag and her powerful words "If you are white and you are working in an African American community and you dislike or are afraid of people who don't look like you, you have no business in that uniform take it off," this is still being shared today. Officer Jones also defended good Police Officers like her that she says would give their lives freely to protect their community from harm, she also told the community that all Police Officers are not racist or bad. Officer Jones takes you on her journey in this book touching on her life and why she decided to become a law enforcement officer as well answering the questions asked by many, what happened after the video?
    This book also tells Officer Jones's desperate plea to the African American Community to stop killing one another, and the humble plea to the community not to target law enforcement officers.

    Most importantly you will get to see both sides of this heated topic that is shaking the nation from someone who lives both sides. Why the Truth Divided? Many say the truth will set you free. After reading this compelling book you be the judge. #IMWOKE

    Thank you,


    1. Hi Cristina,

      I am definitely interested in reading a copy, thank you! Please let me know the email address where I can communicate further with you about this.


  12. Hello Sarah,

    I am the publicist for the Ottawa-based Renaissance, publisher of diverse Canadian voices since 2013. I am writing today to ask if you would be willing to review one of our new books, Our Story: Coming out in the time of HIV and AIDS, by Robert Hamilton, an essential memoir of Canadian LGBT history.
    This is a story of friendship, love, loss, and drag told with humour and compassion. In 1977, the author, then a naïve young man, escapes his pulp and paper mill town in northern New Brunswick and goes in search of his gay self. After two years studying in Toronto, he moves to Edmonton, begins his career as a prison guard and timidly comes out into the gay scene. A lasting and sometimes tumultuous friendship develops with Joe, a drag queen and in the summer of 1982 they move to Vancouver in anticipation of fun times and promising futures. Their world changes when they’re swept into the eye of the AIDS storm, a time when testing positive for HIV was considered a death sentence. Written in diary form this is an unflinching account of Joe from before testing positive for HIV until his death. This is an intimate look at the impact AIDS had on the author’s family of gay friends and those around them.
    Robert Hamilton has called Vancouver home since 1982, but grew up in the small town of Northern, New Brunswick. As he reaches his golden years, it feels like he’s been writing forever – poetry, short stories, scripts for stage and film, and journaling his gay life since 1988. He is a past Canadian Film Centre Writer Resident, twice Praxis Fellow, and most recently a participant in the Playwright Theatre Centre’s Wrightspace Residency program.
    Our Story is currently available for pre-sale on Apple, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and other major retailers, and is set to be released on September 30 2020. We are happy to send you a copy of the book in the format you prefer, including paperback.
    Watch a trailer for the book here:

    Thank you,
    Marie-Claude Goulet
    Publicist, Presses Renaissance Press

    1. Hello Marie-Claude, thank you for contacting me! I am very interested in reading this title and have sent you an email.

  13. Hello!
    My name is Dr. Tristin Engels. I am a Clinical Forensic Psychologist and the maternal granddaughter of Louis R. Vitullo. Louis was a Chicago Police Sergeant and the Chief of the Crime Lab. He was a forensic expert who worked on famous cases (Richard Speck, John Wayne Gacy) and co-invented the Rape Kit with a survivor of sexual assault. My book is about his life, his career, and how my life took a parallel path. It's a call to action to address the rape kit backlog, and a portion of each sale goes toward efforts to address the backlog.

    Please consider reading and reviewing my book! Thank you for your time and consideration.

    1. Hello Dr. Engels, I am very interested in reading your book. Let me know the best email to contact you through and I will be in touch. Thanks!

  14. Hi Sarah - I'm reaching out on behalf of Nicole Draffen, the self-published author of Hyphened-Nation (GoodReads: This nonfiction/memoir is about her her time living outside of the U.S. and how that experience informed her perception of American identity.

    If you're interested in receiving a free copy in exchange for review, or would like more information about this book please email me at - looking forward to hearing from you!

    1. Hi Taylor, I apologize for the passage of time from your message until now. I was dealing with some health-related issues for a family member, but will be emailing you shortly about this book. Thank you!

  15. Request for a book review from Victor Torvich (

    Hi Sarah,
    Are you interested in my book "Subsurface History of Humanity: Direction of History"? It is a non-narrative nonfiction history/science book with 42500 words (excluding Notes).
    Here is my book description on Amazon.
    Do you want to see an unfolding of world history from prehistory to ancient history to humankind's future in one book? In "Subsurface History of Humanity: Direction of History," Victor Torvich gives a sweeping overview of the global history of humankind for the last 44 thousand years. The book will help the reader make sense of human history, history of Sapiens.
    Victor Torvich found the objective direction of the history of humankind. It is different from subjective humankind progress. How fast is humankind moving in the found direction? Is that move controllable by humans? Why do humans rule the Earth? Which force is driving humanity's development? These are other questions Torvich answers in his wide-ranging book.
    Torvich looks at history from the viewpoint of a precise science. Insights from his scientific papers on humanity's complex system helped him find out where mankind is headed. The book concludes with a discussion of which circumstances could shortly lead us off the uncovered course.
    I could send you a free pdf version. Please let me know.
    Thank you, Victor

    1. Hi Victor, thanks for contacting me! I am interested in your book, what email address might I use to contact you?

  16. Hi Sarah,

    I'm writing in the hope that you might be willing to review my recent historical fiction novella about the 1920s Sacco & Vanzetti case "The Anarchist's Wife." It's on BookSirens (I found your blog in their directory) to request until the end of November.

    Thanks for your time!

    1. Hi Margo! I would love to give it a read, that period is terribly fascinating. Let me know the best email to contact you.


  17. Hi Sarah,
    I'm writing to let you know about the upcoming (July 2024) publication of "Trouble in Censorville: The Far Right’s Assault on Public Education – and the Teachers Who are Fighting Back." In this collection, 14 public school teachers from across the U.S. come forward to describe being threatened, ostracized, smeared as “pedophiles” and “Marxists,” placed on leave, and fired for teaching the historical truth of the struggle for racial justice, or for offering books by and about LGBTQ+ people.

    I'd be happy to send you a digital galley if this is of interest for possible review on your site.

    all best,

  18. Nick Tobier -

    1. I would LOVE to read this, as an educator myself. I will be in touch shortly!

  19. Hi Sarah,

    I just came across your blog while researching Self-Help reviewers on Book Sirens. Given your passion for nonfiction books, I’d like to offer you a free copy of To the Survivors.

    My name is Robert Uttaro, and I am long-time advocate for those affected by sexual violence. To the Survivors is about my journey as a rape crisis counselor with true stories of sexual violence shared by survivors. The survivors are diverse yet each gives a similarly raw and heartfelt account of his or her experience and recovery. The authenticity and vulnerability with which survivors speak resonates deeply. But the book is not only about sexual violence. I believe anyone can benefit from the words in these pages, rape survivor or not.

    Are you interested in a review copy?


    Robert Uttaro

    1. So Sorry to have missed this comment, with all the stuff going on here at the end of the school year. Glad we were able to speak via email.


Thanks for visiting my little book nook. I love talking books so leave a comment and let's chat!