Rating: 3 Stars
This one will be short and sweet because there really is not a lot to say about this book, despite its nearly 300-pages and drawing after drawing of what people IMAGINE Stonehenge to look like even when they know that's not ACTUALLY what it looks like (I'm looking at you, Victorian artists...and pretty much every artist ever.)
Based on the title, I thought this was going to be about Stonehenge and the who/what/where/when/why, as far as we can know. Instead it was about how people throughout history have interpreted, damaged, and excavated the site. Some parts were truly DULL. I did find the sections devoted to the Druids interesting, and the dismissing of that myth. It was not until the page 264 (the chapter ends on page 272) that I got what I came for. Kind of a bummer. So, to cheer me up, here are a few pictures of Mom and I at Stonehenge in 2009. Such an amazing visit, to actually be there was just, wow. I could have walked around the structure for hours. All photos taken by/belong to me.



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