Thursday, September 30, 2021

State of the ARC #39


State of the ARC is a monthly feature hosted by Evelina at Avalinah's Books - and now me, too! I took over temporary hosting duties back in early 2020. A couple months ago Evelina asked if I would like to co-host and of course I said yes! If you are new to the meme, you can check out the guidelines HERE.

Links go to my review. The majority of the ARCs I receive are through NetGalley. I sometimes find a book or two via Edelweiss or BookSirens. Others have come from publicists, or were offered to me from a publisher who specifically approved me for it on NetGalley; I will always note in the review how I acquired the ARC.


Currently Reading
Defenders of the Norman Crown - May, 2021
The Coffin Ship - June, 2021
From Cairo to Beirut - Sept, 2021
Mission Possible - Sept, 2021
The Deep Places - Oct 2021 (Publisher Gift via NetGalley)
The Transformation of American Sex Education - Jan, 2022

Finished, Review to Come
Sweating in the Land of Smiles - July 2021 (Author Gift)
Castles - Aug, 2021
Usurpers - Sept, 2021
Never Saw Me Coming - Sept, 2021
How to Walk with Steve - September, 2021 (Publicist Gift)
Where the Light Fell - October, 2021 (Publicist Gift via NetGalley)
Blackbeard - Oct, 2021

Review or Feedback Sent



But it has been a hard month for reading in general, not just ARCs. October will be better, because it has to be.

When I first started blogging my monthly State of the ARC I felt like I was drowning in ARCs. My main goal was to get my NetGalley feedback ratio above 80% and thanks to this meme, I slowly but surely clawed my way up. At my highest I was at 97%. I am currently at 94%.

How are you doing with your ARC goals? Let's talk ARCs!

Happy Reading

Eleanor Reads! September Edition


Each month Eleanor and I share the chapter books we've read in that period. We've been reading chapter books since before Kindergarten and her attention span as a four year old was definitely something to brag about. Eleanor was born a reader and that makes my heart so, so happy.

I am loving reading Mary Downing Hahn with Eleanor. Took is definitely one of her new favorites. I could not resist loading her up on MDH in time for October; she now owns every spooky story MDH has ever published. It's a longer book though, which is why we read fewer books over all. Same with Mistress of All Evil. It's book four in the Disney Villains series, which we love. Each book dives into the backstory of some of the most famous villains ever, and we meet some new, unique, annoying, etc characters along the way. We love that series a whole lot too; honestly, I would probably read them even if I did not have a child who was interested.

Do the kiddos in your life have an interest in any of these?

Happy Reading,
Eleanor and Sarah

Tackling the TBR Week 36: Sept 22 - Sept 30, 2021


I am now entering year three of Tackling the TBR. Slowly but surely I have made big strides in getting by TBR under control. When I first started in 2019, my TBR was topping out at over 5,000 books. I don't know that I will ever get below 500, but a #BookDragon can dream!

I will be posting on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and the last day of the month. Feel free to join in if you'd like!

Previous Week's TBR Total: 2,855

Currently Reading

Books Added to TBR: 0

Books Removed from TBR: 0

Books Read

Books DNF-ed: 0

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 2,854

Any of these catch your eye? Have you already read any? Let me know!

Happy Reading!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Stacking the Shelves #164


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc.

Library Treasures

Happy Reading!