Thursday, September 30, 2021

State of the ARC #39


State of the ARC is a monthly feature hosted by Evelina at Avalinah's Books - and now me, too! I took over temporary hosting duties back in early 2020. A couple months ago Evelina asked if I would like to co-host and of course I said yes! If you are new to the meme, you can check out the guidelines HERE.

Links go to my review. The majority of the ARCs I receive are through NetGalley. I sometimes find a book or two via Edelweiss or BookSirens. Others have come from publicists, or were offered to me from a publisher who specifically approved me for it on NetGalley; I will always note in the review how I acquired the ARC.


Currently Reading
Defenders of the Norman Crown - May, 2021
The Coffin Ship - June, 2021
From Cairo to Beirut - Sept, 2021
Mission Possible - Sept, 2021
The Deep Places - Oct 2021 (Publisher Gift via NetGalley)
The Transformation of American Sex Education - Jan, 2022

Finished, Review to Come
Sweating in the Land of Smiles - July 2021 (Author Gift)
Castles - Aug, 2021
Usurpers - Sept, 2021
Never Saw Me Coming - Sept, 2021
How to Walk with Steve - September, 2021 (Publicist Gift)
Where the Light Fell - October, 2021 (Publicist Gift via NetGalley)
Blackbeard - Oct, 2021

Review or Feedback Sent



But it has been a hard month for reading in general, not just ARCs. October will be better, because it has to be.

When I first started blogging my monthly State of the ARC I felt like I was drowning in ARCs. My main goal was to get my NetGalley feedback ratio above 80% and thanks to this meme, I slowly but surely clawed my way up. At my highest I was at 97%. I am currently at 94%.

How are you doing with your ARC goals? Let's talk ARCs!

Happy Reading


  1. I had a slow month for reading myself. So I completely understand! Hoping October is better for both of us!

    1. It's picking up a bit here, thank goodness. But I am in such a funk - hence why there are like 30 books on my 'currently reading' list, lol.

  2. my reading has been a bit on and off the past few days. i had a stomach bug of some kind and it made me feel like doing nothing. my netgalley is pretty good. i think i only had one more book to go to be complete, but then i added another...LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Hope you are on the mend now! I do that with NetGalley all the time. I get all my books read except for maybe then down the rabbit hole I go requesting more. It is especially dangerous with publishers who have auto-approved me...


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