Sunday, October 13, 2024

What A Week! (and a half, basically)

So my little lady has been sick since LAST LAST Thursday. She missed five days of school and basically laid in bed except to eat or go to the bathroom until this past Wednesday, when she finally had some energy. Still not really sure what it was, but her doctor treated it as a sinus infection and we had to try two different antibiotics to make any progress. Luckily her school has been on Fall Break now since Thursday, so she doesn't have school again until Tuesday. She's feeling so much better finally, but this is what Wednesday night looked like for us, so she got to pick the movie (Titanic, of course) and we snuggled on the couch.

Other big news that's causing lack of blog-related activity - exactly three weeks from today we will be waking up in Indianapolis the morning after seeing Taylor for the second time on The Eras Tour. To say we are excited is an understatement. This is easily one of the best concerts I have ever been to in my life (tied for second with Niall Horan/The Show Live on Tour, as Green Day/21st Century Breakdown Tour remains my #1 of all time).

Between first seeing Taylor last June, and then seeing the movie several time in theatres (both regular theatre and at the drive-in), we've been busy bees making bracelets to trade. For the June show, we each made maybe 25 bracelets, and ran out well before the concert started.


 This time I am better prepared and I will never again have to tell another little girl I have no more bracelets to trade. This Momma will ALWAYS have one to trade. Or in this case...hundreds.

We still have more to make, as I typically focus on one album at a time and you can see that some groups are a little sparse. Bracelets are organized by album, each with their own shower curtain ring. That's 11 albums, plus an 'other' for sayings and phrases that Swifties new and old alike will know.

I am so excited to share this experience with my girl for a second time. I love concerts and live music; I can't even count the number of shows I have been to in my life, or all the songs and artists who have saved me time and time again.

And on top of that, our fave cousin and Eleanor's BFF are both coming with us. It will be Eleanor's BFF's first concert EVER. When we saw the film at the drive-in, she looked at me with huge eyes and asked, "This is what we are seeing?!" She was in awe and I can't wait to capture that moment on video for her mom.

Looking back over the last year and a half and counting Taylor coming up, we will have been to SEVEN concerts in about 18 months (Lizzo, Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson, Taylor, Olivia Rodrigo, Niall Horan, Taylor). After this show, we will be concert-less until Mr. Harry Styles announces his next one, and hopefully Zayn Malik adds more dates to his current tour. Then it will be time for Louis and Niall again, and eventually Ms. Swift once more.

We're off to make more bracelets now.

Happy Reading!


  1. Sorry to hear that the munchkin has been ill, but its good that she's on the road to a full recovery. Here's hoping that you have just enough bracelets this time... I think you might - just... [lol]

  2. Love the bracelets. I hope Eleanor is completely recovered very soon.


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