Saturday, January 11, 2025

Best of the Best | My Five-Star Reads of 2024

Here they finally are! All the best books I read in 2024. No particular order. I don't include re-reads.

Have you read any of these? What did you think of my picks for 2024?

Happy Reading!


  1. Cool...! FOUR of these bad boys are in various piles. I'll see about scheduling at least *some* of them for this year....

  2. I'm glad you found so many good books! I'll have to check out your nonfiction favorites. I want to read more nonfiction this year.

    1. Non-Fiction is still my first love, so I will always have a rec for you!

  3. So many great books. I read both Debutantes as well as Bittersweet in the Hallow.

  4. The Madeleine Roux books look good! I'll have to look them up. I was about to start the audio for Bittersweet in the Hollow, so I'm happy to see it's on your list! Book two as well! The Manor of Dreams is one I have on my TBR. I'm glad you had so many awesome reads last year!

    1. Lindsi!!! Welcome back!!

      I really loved Roux's trilogy and I wish there was more to the series. It was SO good. Bittersweet is going to be a series I LOVE. I hate having to wait so long for book three; that's the downside to NetGalley ARCs! I was on the fence about Manor of Dreams but am so glad I read it.

  5. So many great titles! I love the sheer variety that you read. I had a terrible time with Alex Finlay's last book, so I was going to skip this newest. Now, I'll be adding it back to my TBR. Also great to see Simone St. James included. Similarly to Finlay, I've been turned off by her most recent output, but I'll be diving back in based on your recommendations!

    1. I liked the Night Shift (4 stars), but have not read anything else by Finlay yet. What should I avoid from him and what else should I try?

      As for Simone, I really hated Cold Cases, but Murder Road felt much more like her previous works that I loved so much. Can't wait to see what you think of these two.


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