Saturday, October 15, 2022

Stacking the Shelves #214


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc.

NetGalley ARCs

Library Treasures

Happy Reading!


  1. Are you reading your NetGalley books first, or your library borrows? I find I'm into the ebooks as I have so many of them.

    1. I am such a mood reader, I will just go for whatever I want in that moment.

  2. A reasonable 3 fiction from me this week:

    Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
    Under an English Heaven by Robert Radcliffe
    Slaughter in the Sapperton Tunnel by Edward Marston

  3. Wow quite a haul there! Enjoy them ☺️

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  4. That's a lot of library books! I love the local library. 😊 Erased sounds really interesting and I love the cover for The Taking of Jake Livingston

    1. Erased was interesting, but the focus was significantly geared toward Scott Peterson's murder of Lacie and Connor. Not a bad thing at all, but the author came back to it many times in the early chapters, then focused on it almost exclusively in later ones.

      Jake Livingston was one I have wanted to read forever...but in the end the cover was just a trick. The story did not work for me. But that does not mean it won't work for you!

  5. I'm fascinated by Europe before Roman times so that looks good to me for sure.

  6. My goodness that's quite a mix of books and a LOT of library books. Good for you - I use my library almost exclusively anymore.....the request system works really well - until all the requests come in at once. :)
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys - see my week:

    1. Yes! And when they do, I end up with hauls like this one! But I will gladly break my arms to carry them all out to the car. I wish our libraries printed the amount of money we save by using the library instead of buying. I am easily saving thousands of dollars a year!

  7. That is a super interesting looking haul - I hope you enjoy!

  8. I've been on the fence about requesting The Blackhouse myself, so I'm eager to see what you think of it!

    1. I was too but saw a couple reviews and decided to go for it. Hoping to get to it in the next two weeks, I have had some author requests come in and aaauuuggghhhh!


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