Thursday, November 2, 2023

Tackling the TBR | Week 40 | Oct 22 - Oct 31, 2023


Here we go!

This is year FIVE of Tackling the TBR and I finally have things sort-of under control. My ultimate goal is to get under 500 books, but I also have to be realistic - just think of all the books not even written yet that I will want to read. When I started this mess  I was at well over 5,000 books on the TBR, so to be where I am now is pretty incredible.

I will post on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and last day of the month.

Prevous Week's TBR Total: 2,140

Currently Reading

I'm posting all my ARCs in the hope it will shame me publicly so I stop getting books from the library and read these instead. Odds are 50/50 that it will actually work.

Books Read

Books DNFed: 

Books Added to TBR: 0

Books Removed from TBR: 0

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 2,138

Happy Reading!


  1. The Golden State Killer has me curious. I have watched a TV documentary about it before, but I always love reading the books. Also, I am a bit curious about Britney Spears. Was it a good one?

    1. It has taken me a while to read the Golden State one because I am kind of annoyed with the author's voice but the content itself is interesting. I loved Britney's books because I love that she is able to say what she wants, finally. It's not great literature but it's absolutely what I hoped for, allowing her to talk about everything that has happened. No one has protected this woman a single day in her life, going back to when she was a child, and I feel so terribly for her.

  2. Oops...forgot to leave any info for my comment, seeing it is doing me as anonymous. I am having some computers issues and using hubby's, so I try not to change things, like Google.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I get it! When I change my own password on my phone, I forget when I get to my laptop so I have a temp freak-out that I can't get into my account, lol


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