Saturday, November 23, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #310

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc

*This is a couple weeks' worth because I have not posted an STS in a few weeks

Prime First Reads

Library Treasures

NetGalley ARCs

Happy Reading


  1. I've been to my Indie bookshop (pre-Christmas book buying) so there's a bit of a bumper crop this week. But I don't think that many with actually interest you!


    A Column of Fire by Ken Follett
    Travels With My Aunt by Graham Greene
    The Progress of a Crime by Julian Symons


    The Korean War - An Epic Conflict 1950-1953 by Max Hastings
    Collateral Damage - Britain, America and Europe in the Age of Trump by Kim Darroch
    Black Victorians - Hidden in History by Keshia N Abraham and John Woolf
    Riddle, Mystery, and Enigma - Two Hundred Years of British-Russian Relations by David Owen
    The Ruin of all Witches - Life and Death in the New World by Malcolm Gaskill
    A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again by David Foster Wallace
    Falling Felines & Fundamental Physics by Gregory J Gbur
    Dangerous Rhythms - Jazz and the Underworld by T J English
    The Possibility of Life - Searching for Kinship in the Cosmos by Jaime Green

    1. Dude. SERIOUSLY?! lol

      Those of interest:
      Collateral Damage (but won't be able to read for a while because I am still so fucking pissed)
      Black Victorians
      The Ruin of All Witches
      Dangerous Rhythms

      Fewer than I thought when I saw how long the list was. Lucky for you, our library has Ruin and Dangerous!

    2. I did restrict myself a *little* bit as their prices have just gone up. Now *everything* (or nearly everything) is £5. Which isn't BAD for a £20+ hardback that came out earlier THIS year... [grin] Back there in February I'm afraid.... [lol]

    3. I appreciate that you at least spread visits to that bookshop out a bit. My keyboard doesn't make your fun little pound sign unfortunately, but 5 is def better than 20

  2. This is a slightly bigger haul than you usually have. Mine was bigger this week as well. Have a great Thanksgiving week and happy reading!

    1. It's a couple weeks' worth. Didn't have the energy to post for a bit after the Taylor concert and the election. But now I am back to myself again and ready to go. Happy Thanksgving!

  3. Dead Stream and Perfect Girl both look really interesting. I hope you enjoy your new books and have a fabulous week. - Katie

    Here's my STS if you wish to visit at this late date -

    1. Both had a lot of promise, but just didn't work for me. They were okay but not standouts for the year as 2024 is coming to a close.


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