Rating: 5 Stars
I really enjoyed this one. I love reading about figures from the Bible and find this ancient history so fascinating. It is so frustrating that so many documents have been and texts have been lost over the years. I found this one especially interesting because I don't really know anything about the Apostles after the Resurrection. I thought it was also interesting that the author included both the sort of outrageous claims that were handed down though the years in contrast to the more likely or reliable information. This is a quick read but informative and I definitely recommend it.
Okay, I had to come back and do this book real justice. The brief non-review I did just was kind of worthless but I was doing it quickly while E was taking a very brief nap and didn't really put much thought into it because there just was not time.
Anyway, this book covers the rest of the lives of the Apostles after the Resurrection. Each chapter is dedicated to one or two of the Apostles as they continue the work Jesus commanded them to do. Some of the chapters were actually pretty in-depth, though of course we always have to keep in mind that after many centuries, the documents and stories we have are not necessarily one hundred percent reliable. What makes some of these accounts that much more trustworthy is that many are verified through other sources, and not just documents of the early Christian Church.
The book acknowledges how little material we have about some of the Apostles, save for brief mentions in the Gospel. Chapter 4 even addresses the issue of multiple men named James and which is most likely to be the Apostle James. Of the whole Gospel, I find the Book of Matthew to be one I enjoy most, so it was surprising to me to find his chapter called "Matthew: The Phantom Apostle". I did not realize there was truly so little known about some of these men who have some of the most important words of the Bible attributed to them.
Judas and Matthias share a chapter, and I find Judas an intriguing - if repelling - figure. Naturally he is not likely to be a popular person among Christians, but this does not make him any less interesting. The chapter focuses quite a bit both on possible motives, as well as addressing the discrepancies in the Gospel about his death. Matthias might be even more 'shadowy' than Matthew, as even less is known about Judas' replacement.
I hope this review is better than the garbage I rolled out earlier. I have been in kind of a review slump and really struggling to find my words. Not a good thing for a writer!
As I said before, highly recommended.
Okay, I had to come back and do this book real justice. The brief non-review I did just was kind of worthless but I was doing it quickly while E was taking a very brief nap and didn't really put much thought into it because there just was not time.
Anyway, this book covers the rest of the lives of the Apostles after the Resurrection. Each chapter is dedicated to one or two of the Apostles as they continue the work Jesus commanded them to do. Some of the chapters were actually pretty in-depth, though of course we always have to keep in mind that after many centuries, the documents and stories we have are not necessarily one hundred percent reliable. What makes some of these accounts that much more trustworthy is that many are verified through other sources, and not just documents of the early Christian Church.
The book acknowledges how little material we have about some of the Apostles, save for brief mentions in the Gospel. Chapter 4 even addresses the issue of multiple men named James and which is most likely to be the Apostle James. Of the whole Gospel, I find the Book of Matthew to be one I enjoy most, so it was surprising to me to find his chapter called "Matthew: The Phantom Apostle". I did not realize there was truly so little known about some of these men who have some of the most important words of the Bible attributed to them.
Judas and Matthias share a chapter, and I find Judas an intriguing - if repelling - figure. Naturally he is not likely to be a popular person among Christians, but this does not make him any less interesting. The chapter focuses quite a bit both on possible motives, as well as addressing the discrepancies in the Gospel about his death. Matthias might be even more 'shadowy' than Matthew, as even less is known about Judas' replacement.
I hope this review is better than the garbage I rolled out earlier. I have been in kind of a review slump and really struggling to find my words. Not a good thing for a writer!
As I said before, highly recommended.
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