Monday, April 30, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday #30

Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday, now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's topic is "Books I'd Slay a Lion to Get Early". My list only has one book, but rest assured, this topic also applies to any and all projects Dan Jones has yet to complete, or begin, or even think of, that will be available in the future.

BUT, it may surprise you to learn that the reason I want this book is not solely due to Dan Jones providing the text. If you have never seen any of the photos that Marina Amaral has colorized, you MUST LOOK RIGHT NOW. She is amazing and I am so excited to see what images she will bring to life next. Her portfolio is breathtaking. Images you may have seen a hundred times before will look new, and it is well worth your time to see what she has done thus far.

I pre-ordered it when it first became available, but I have to wait until October for it to arrive 😭


What books are on your list this week? Leave a comment and a link to your list.

Happy Reading!


  1. Ahh, I hope you love these book when you do get around to it. :-)

    1. Thanks Chrissi!! I'm so desperately hoping that I can win an advanced copy from the publisher again like I did with Jones' Templars book. But, what're the chances? Probably not good, unless Jones tells them to give me one so I leave him alone, haha

  2. "must look right now" ha ha her work does look impressive, and so many huge moments. I can see why you'd be looking forward to it.

    1. Right?? There are so many images that are beautiful in black and white, but become so much more real and not just a page in a history book when you see it as it was viewed while it was happening. She is immensely talented and the research that goes into her work is pretty intense.

  3. Oh, that books sounds fascinating!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  4. Only one book? Eek! I have over a hundred just on my wishlist!

    1. I limited myself to 300 on my Amazon Wish List until they removed the counter. Now I have NO idea! It's more than 300 though!!!

    2. Yep, just one for once - usually I have more than ten, haha. But this is the one I am most looking forward to, and you've seen how I get when my BFF writes something new, haha. Have you been able to look at Amaral's work? It is stunning.

      The only books I have on the wishlist are for my daughter - it is waaaaaaay to easy to hit the 1-click purchase, due to my Amazon store card.

    3. It seems kind of silly there would have ever been a limit to begin with, now that I think about it. Weird.

    4. It was my self imposed limit rather than an Amazon one,. They just removed the counter so you can no longer tell how many are on your list. Sneaky I call it!

    5. Ah, I see. Yeah, I could never follow a self-imposed rule when it comes to books. I lasted only a couple months away from Book Bub.

  5. I haven't read any book by Dan Jones but I hope you get to read that soon :)

    My TTT:


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