Saturday, October 9, 2021

Stacking the Shelves #166


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc.

Prime First Reads
This month you can get two books for free, but this is the only one that looked remotely interesting to me.

Library Treasures

Happy Reading!


  1. Interesting set. Volcanoes are fascinating - from a distance. We've been up Mount Etna which was interesting and a friend of mine visited what's left of Krakatoa. He said it scared the *crap* out of him. Even the guides were pretty twitchy!

    Only TWO for me this week - which is one more than expected. Both non-fiction.

    Berlin - The Story of a City by Barney White-Spunner
    Royal Witches - Witchcraft and the Nobility in Fifteenth-Century England by Gemma Hollman

    BTW - Just finished a James Patterson book today. It was TERRIBLE. Most definitely the worst book of the year! LOL.

    1. Mount Etna would be so cool. I have seen Kilauea and Mauna Loa up close but I don't think anyone could pay me enough to go near Krakatoa :-|

      I am interested in the Berlin book because I LOVE city biographies. But I feel like I would lose interest fast once it gets into the Cold War. How much of the book would you say focuses on Berlin after WWII?

      Royal Witches is good!

      James Patterson is the fucking worst.

    2. The Berlin book was a total impulse buy. Published in 2020 so bang up to date. He starts in 1257. He covers WW2 in about 50 pages and 1945-89 in about 80. The book is just under 450 pages long.

      Royal Witches caught my eye and I have a long standing interest in Witchcraft and how it was used to vilify women down the ages.

      I knew you'd like the Patterson comment. I'd read some of his Alex Cross books which I liked but this one.... It read like the first draft of novel by a teenager who then couldn't be bothered to write it properly but published it anyway. Just wait until you see my review. It will not be kind!!

    3. James Patterson is THE.WORST. But you already know how I feel, ;)

      I will get the Berlin book, but not for a bit probably. I am always most interested in the middle ages and once those go by, I struggle again until WWI and WWII. And even through WWI I have struggled big-time in the last few years.

      I found the witches book to be a really interesting read. After all, it shows that no woman was ever safe, no matter her station or rank.

  2. LOVE volcanos! if i hadn't had to quit geology school to work, i'd probably have majored in vulcanology or paleontology, i liked them both a lot... still do, actually... volcanos are the planet barfing...

    1. Lol, the planet barfing. I have never thought of it that way before!

  3. Looks like another thriller! Are you reading spooky stuff for October?

    Oh my gosh I finished All these Bodies. THAT ENDING. Did he... *sputter* Did she...?????


    1. All the spooky ones this week were dreadful or just kind of dull. And yes, All These Bodies, we have to talk about it because I just don't know how I feel about it.

  4. You have got a great library haul and so diverse! I think the Krakatoa one can be very interesting. You need to tell us more.

    Happy reading!

    Elza Reads

    1. Something about volcanoes always catch my attention no matter whatever else may be around. I've been to Mauna Loa and Kilauea so far. Vesuvius is my dream visit.

  5. I want to read all the creepy books you've got listed! Ghost Sightings and Stalking Shadows especially!

    1. The Ghost Sightings one was interesting, if a bit repetitive just due to the style of writing. Stalking Shadows was truthfully kind of dreadful and I DNF-ed it. The author's voice was irritating to me.

  6. I really loved The Gay Agenda. I found it had just the right amount of history to serve as an introduction and invitation to learn even more!

    1. Yes! In those respects I loved it. But honestly...some of the print was ridiculously small and it annoyed me, lol. The book could have been even an inch or two longer both ways and it would have been a much better reading experience.

  7. I love Amazon's First Reads! No particular reason for it beyond I get a free book and I often go for books I wouldn't have tried otherwise so it's a win. :)

    I see some ghost/haunting themed books amongst the history mix - very nice and appropriate for spooky season! Hope you're well.

    1. Thank you Nicci, I hope you are also!

      I love First Reads too, but man have I had some duds! I have been trying to expand my horizons a bit beyond YA thrillers into adult thrillers. It's not going well.


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