Thursday, May 11, 2023

First Line Friday #165

First Line Friday is hosted once again by Carrie at Reading is My Superpower. You can visit HERE to go directly to the FLF page of her blog.

"Somewhere in the night forest, the boy is running."

Have a line to share? Leave a link and let me know!

Happy Reading


  1. Werewolves?

    "A labyrinth of passages and dark, cobbled alleyways make up the old town of Bilbao." Shoot the Women First by Eileen MacDonald

  2. Interesting cover. I hope you enjoy this one. Have a great weekend!

    1. Right?! Unfortunately it was not a good read, I DNF-ed it pretty early.

  3. I just finished When the Day Comes by Gabrielle Meyer so I can read book two. The first line is: "Williamsburg, Virginia, May 5, 1774, For as long as I could remember, my mama had told me that my life was a gift." Have a great week!


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