Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature co-hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc. Never has my addiction been more obvious than when I am now keeping track of every single book I acquire.
So close to having none this week. What can I say, I'm an addict.
So close to having none this week. What can I say, I'm an addict.

Half Price Books

Kindle Unlimited

Half Price Books

Kindle Unlimited

What did you add to your stash this week?
Happy Reading!
Oh I am such a Kennedy buff, I would love to read that one-and I have read a few already!!
ReplyDeleteI bought 3 books this week! Not too bad I guess!!
I am too, though I know almost nothing about Bobby except what I have learned from books about JFK and Jackie. I have more than a few books on my list about the family as a whole, and then I saw this one on NetGalley, but also found it on KU. And with the anniversary of his assassination in just a few days, I thought I had better read up. Did you see the interview with his son, how he met with Sirhan Sirhan and how Jr thinks he did not assassinate his father and doesn't believe he was working alone? Really interesting stuff!
DeleteI'm a little curious about Comey's book. I'm reading Collusion right now. The Maid and the Queen would be interesting I bet.
ReplyDeleteBy Luke Harding? I have added it to my TBR - I thought it was already on there but I guess not. Comey's book is...well, I am not sure how to describe it. He details his career and gets to the Trumplethinskin stuff in due course, but it all reads kind of oddly to me. He stresses time and again how his release of the memos on the Clinton investigation were what he truly believed was right, and I can understand his point of view, but there is no way in hell he can think that it did not impact the election. I heard him on an NPR interview when the book was first released, and he was asked if his timing of the memos did impact the election. His response was, "I hope not." It sounded like such rubbish. Regardless of his intentions, or the fact that he felt what he was right, he HAD to know how it would be perceived.
DeleteYeah his decision to do that baffles me, even if he DID think he was doing the right thing (and it just goes to show how politics has affected everything, that he felt he had to do it for appearances' sake, assuming a Clinton win). And imagine the guilt he might feel (I don't know if he does) at knowing that he DID in fact sway the election (whether he wants to admit it or not). That would be hard to live with if it were me!
DeleteAnd yes the Collusion book by Harding is the one I'm reading. It's refreshin because when the dossier stuff broke, it was widely reported that Steele was considered credible by the FBI/ CIA, and now you have all these idiots trying to besmirch his reputation. It's nice because Collsuion talk a bit about WHY he was considered credible, and all I could think of was- his critics should read this. Athough sadly they won't, I'm sure.
And that is largely his defense. He writes that he was positive Clinton would win. He felt, given the fact that the FBI is supposed to remain non-political, that he had to inform people of the new emails because it would get out very quickly that Clinton was again being investigated. Or worse, it would get out only after she won the election, and then we would have a sitting president being investigated by the FBI. Oh, wait...
DeleteI am definitely interested in the book, and sadly I agree with you, his critics definitely won't read it.
I'll certainly be reading A Higher Loyalty. I want to see his excuses for helping Trump get elected.
ReplyDeleteIt's exactly what you would expect - he felt like he was doing what was right, and that the FBI was being transparent in their work. He says he was so sure Clinton would win, that it would be a bigger issue down the road after her election if people were to find out she was still being investigated by the FBI. I heard Comey interviewed on NPR back when the book was first released. He was asked if his timing impacted the election and his response was, "I hope not." Regardless of his intentions, he most certainly had to know how it would be perceived by the public.
DeleteOoh The Maid and The Queen looks good! Enjoy! :-) My haul
ReplyDeleteThank you! I am so interested in Joan, but so NOT interested in medieval warfare, so I am always 50/50 on books about her.
DeleteJust three this week:
ReplyDeleteThe Book Smugglers of Timbuktu by Charlie English
The Peterloo Massacre by Robert Reid
Be Like a Fox - Machiavelli's Lifelong Quest for Freedom by Erica Benner
I'll be interested to know what you think of the Joan book. I have a few about her waiting to be read. She's a fascinating historical character.
I had Book Smugglers on my TBR on Goodreads but when I went to look at it just now, it was not there. Weird. But I re-added, so I suppose it is fortunate that you bought it, so I could in turn be alerted that it was not on my shelf!
DeleteJoan is endlessly fascinating, but medieval warfare is so not interesting to me, which makes reading about her difficult, because her whole identify is wrapped up in the war.
DeleteHelen Castor (featured here) had a pretty good documentary about Joan. She tried her best to focus on the person rather than the warfare. I've got the book of the series which I need to get around too. There's also some very good chapters on Joan in 'Conquest – The English Kingdom of France in the Hundred Years War' by Juliet Barker.
I'm going to try to feature 'Smugglers' in a group of books about books.... Double the fun!
I LOVE Helen Castor!! I read her book on Joan and struggled greatly, especially with the 'Before' and 'After' Joan. But I loved the section detailing her. Have you read 'She-Wolves: The Women Who Ruled England Before Elizabeth'? Excellent work - and features my girl Eleanor, of course.
DeleteBarker's book finds itself jumping on and off my Goodreads TBR all the time. I should read it but ugh, I just don't care about France after Eleanor.
Joan of Arc! I can never pass up reading about her.
ReplyDeleteQuiet week for me..bought a used copy of "Daemon", a SF / technothriller. Also received an Audible credit for free, so I'm downloading another read by Wil Wheaton. :D
Me either, which is why I grabbed it. But I get bored by medieval warfare so I am always kind of in a conundrum when reading about her and sometimes skip the extensive battle details that don't involve her directly.
DeleteLooks like some good reads. Hope you enjoy them all.
ReplyDeleteThank you Barb, I fully intend to!
DeleteSarah I love your blog name 😂 currently thinking of a new name as I'm wanting to move to Wordpress and I'm stumped for names 🤔
ReplyDeleteAngelica @ Paperback Princess
Ha, thank you! Why do you want to move your blog?
DeleteOhh, it looks like you got some interesting nonfiction. I hope you love them!
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
Most definitely, and of course I want to read them all RIGHT NOW.
DeleteThe half priced books look amazing! I hope you enjoy your books!
ReplyDeleteI was really lucky with my great finds this week - and lucky I restrained myself and only got three!
DeleteYou read so many historical books, I am impressed :) enjoy!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, I think I will - I found some great treasures this week!