Rating: 4 Stars
The only thing that kept me from giving this five stars is the fact that it is just so awful. Not the scholarly insights gleaned from the plethora of bullshit spewed by trumplethinskin, but the Tweets themselves. Like, this fuckwad really truly was elected to the highest office in the land. And it SUCKS. Every day it is exhausting to have to hear the same shit over and over.
The book itself is a riot though. It is obviously a lighter read than the other items I picked up at the library yesterday and in other recent visits - you know, the books talking about the actual evidence of collusion and whatnot.
But even so, at the end of the day this garbage sub-human gets to pollute the White House and the world with his bullshit. Blech.
Highly recommended - for the comedy, not the bullshit.
Is it just a collection of his tweets? Does Noah add commentary?
ReplyDeleteHe wrote the forward for it but is not listed as a writer. It breaks tweets up into categories. Certain tweets get a full two page spread. There's also a section devoted to Melania and her stupid "be best" campaign about cyberbullying, in which we see tweets sent by trump showing him being a stupid bully with his name blacked out.
DeleteSounds like the Daily Show found a way to make easy money, then! I don't follow many public figures on twitter (on purpose)...just Obama and Rand Paul until recently, aside from all the Alabama agencies I follow for local news, alerts, etc.), so I don't know a blessed thing about Melania's activity. I rather feel sorry for her, being dragged into the circus as it were. She probably didn't count on that when she married an incredibly wealthy and presumably charming-at-some-level tycoon. (I feel sorry for EVERY child of politicians -- Malia and Sasha, Jenna and Barbara, Chelsea... They really don't deserve that kind of volatile childhood.)
DeleteIt is a pretty worthy offering into the 'mock trump' genre. I used to feel that way about Melania, like maybe she wasn't really part of it, but she showed her true colors also with that damn jacket of hers and now I think she deserves whatever gets thrown her way too.
DeleteI agree about the kids, especially the younger ones like Malia and Sasha, they were so young when their dad took office. It has to be hard to want to be a normal kid, but know that you can't be even though you don't truly understand why. I also feel incredible sympathy for Barron. I really think kids should always be off-limits - unless they are grifters like their father and participating in his government as though they know what they are doing, when in reality they are only there through the power of nepotism.
I'm not 100% surprised he was elected but I'm stunned that, after 2 years of this clusterfuck people still SUPPORT him. What does that say about the USA? Of course over here we have the delusional ones who think a No-deal Brexit is a GOOD things but still... You guys are SO winning the race!!!
DeleteI was surprised because I thought surely there is no way this moron can get elected, there can't be that many stupid people in this country. And luckily there aren't, and Clinton won the popular vote. The bullshit thing here is that the Electoral College is designed to prevent a clusterfuck like this, not allow it to happen!
I don't understand how people can think no deal with possibly work out in anyone's favor. It is mind-boggling. I am also surprised that May has sruvived no-confidence votes. we might be winning right now, but you guys are catching up!!
I think that so many people are, for unknown reasons, simply anti-Europe that they want to get rid of it/them even if they have to set their own house on fire to do it. Unfortunately, what they forget (or simply don't care about) is there are other people living here who don't want to start a fire we can't easily put out. My guess is that a no-deal scenario is about 90% probable. Of course by Christmas 2019 those same people will be complaining about the fallout and blaming the EU for it. Unfortunately the rest of us have to wade through the shit that the idiots who voted Leave have deposited everywhere. Fun, isn't it!
DeleteAnd that's what baffles me so completely about voting to leave. Please correct me if I am wrong, but what I have read indicates that large numbers of younger people did not vote. I can not understand leaving one's future up to a population who will not actually have to deal much with the consequences of such a vote. Is this true? I'm 36, I don't want my future left up to 90 year olds. Voting is such a crucial thing that can't be taken for granted.
DeleteYes, that's right. A significant number of the under 25's didn't vote and around 75% of those who did vote voted Remain. In reverse most people over 60 voted Leave. Supposedly if the vote was taken today with the same numbers voting the result would be remain because many more Leave voters have died that (potential) Remain voters who can now legally vote... So essentially the young have been shafted by the old. In my age range I'm one of the very few people I know who voted Remain. My whole family voted Leave!!! Including my Mother who hasn't voted *at all* in at last 30-40 years..
DeleteThis just makes me sad. Not voting is such a problem in the US as well. But, there are also so many barriers in place that are there solely to make it difficult for already-disenfranchised people to vote. I have not missed a vote in a national election since I turned 18, which right now only amounts to four; after 2016 I saw how truly important the sate votes were too and started voting in the Midterms too. I think that if people would automatically be registered to vote when they turned 18, this could relieve a lot of the stress.
DeleteHave you talked to your mom about it and why she voted that way? My family immediate family is a mixed bag of Democrats and Republicans, though we all have varying degrees of how conservative or liberal we are. I am so liberal, I about fall off the scale. Thankfully no alt-right bullshit anywhere though!
Not being able to vote here isn't really a problem. We HAVE to legally register to vote. If we don't we can be fined around $1500 equivalent. Of course you don't have to VOTE but you *do* have to register! I usually get a form from the Govt every few years to make sure I'm still living here so I don't fall off the electoral register.
DeleteOf course we don't have to register under any particular party or anything. Just that we're eligible to vote in local or national elections.
I first voted in 1979 and have only missed a few local elections since. I've voted in every national election since I was 19 and will continue to do so until I can't remember my own name.
I haven't really asked my Mom why she voted that way. She'd only get angry and walk away. She's bought into the Right-wing rhetoric and she can't really be debated with. She's always been slightly racist to be honest so I wasn't hugely surprised she voted Leave but I was astounded that she felt so strongly about the issue that she voted at all.
I'm the odd one out (in many ways) in my family. I seriously used to think I was adopted [lol]. My politics is almost the complete reverse of most of them so we don't talk about it much (though we do argue about it a bit).
That is exactly what needs to happen here - a fine for not registering. But again, that would disenfranchise a huge population who do not always have the means to even get to the place they would need to register. And the gerrymandering is out of control. I eagerly look forward to what the newest congressmen and women will do about this, as well as those in the 2020 elections.
DeleteRegulations here vary by state, I believe. I know specifically where I live, you have to be registered with the party you are voting for in the primaries. In the general election however, that is not true. I was an independent for a long time, but registered as a Democrat so I could caucus for Bernie in 2016. I think it would be a huge step just getting people registered, and not forcing people to register as a D or an R just for the primaries.
That is kind of amazing that she had not voted in so long, but cast a vote to Leave. I'm sorry you've felt out of place in your family sometimes, politics are so divisive. We actually have to flat out say some holidays that no politics can be discussed at the dinner table. After that, game on, but let's all enjoy our turkey first!
Voter registration here is by mail (or by e-mail/web page) so you don't have to travel anywhere - and I think we get pre-paid envelopes too (plus you can even vote by post if you like).
DeleteI find it very weird that you register with a party affiliation. Here asking someone who they vote (or voted) for is like asking them their religion or sexual orientation - rude unless you really know them. I have no issue telling people I'm a Socialist but I'd never ask a stranger who they vote for....
I have no idea why I'm on the Left and the rest of my family are (at least) soft-Right. Politically I don't think there is anything we actually agree on so we just don't talk about it. Unless I *want* an argument that is! [grin]
Believe me, there are so many things I find very weird about our voting and registration, and voting, and registration. But I fear that voting and registering will be made more difficult with trump's bullshit accusations of voter fraud. I don't know the specifics for each state either, if you have to be registered for a certain party to vote in that primary. Obviously your party registration does not apply to the general elections, but still.
DeleteThis sounds kind of interesting in a scary kind of way! I can't resist any of these political books!
ReplyDeleteSeeing so much bullshit and reading them altogether will make your blood pressure go through the roof, but seeing the context written with them helps level it off a bit
DeleteMy goodness, how could you stand it? The thing that gets me is how people keep being surprised when he lies. As if he is going to change someday.
ReplyDeleteI put it down a couple times, because his level of immaturity alone is so embarrassing. Like, seriously dude, you're supposedly the president. Stop being such an asshole and maybe try to learn some stuff so you can do your job. But he has also made it clear he only wants to be the president for the people who support him, he doesn't care about most of the country that things his is a giant fuckwad.
DeleteI like your review and understand how conflicted you must feel. At least the idiot doesn't get any royalties from the sales, right! Right!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteThat is an excellent way to look at it, he gets no $$$ from this.
DeleteUnfortunately, he is making so much money off the government, because they pay for his Secret Service agents to stay at his resorts whenever he flitters off to play golf. Blech.