Sunday, April 14, 2019



On this beautiful Palm Sunday, I start the book I read every year in this Holy Week, the last week of Jesus' earthly life.


I love this book for many reasons. There are maps and diagrams, in addition to the most important content of all: the details from the Gospel regarding what Jesus and His followers did each day of the week. It starts with Jesus' triumphant arrival in Jerusalem, His movements throughout the week, through the Crucifixion, then the empty tomb, and the revelation that He is Risen. I am especially thankful for a book like this, because it lays out side by side what each book of the Gospel says in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I think this is incredibly important, and am so grateful that is something my pastor spoke at length about at today's sermon. All of our perspectives are different, we each have our own reality as it fits into the larger world. That the four books of the Gospel all contain different and similar details makes sense, as each person paid attention to different goings-on. That is so important to remember, particularly when someone tries to say it did not happen because the stories are too different. In reality, they are not that different, each is focused on different aspects of the Resurrection and what those witnesses saw.

Happy Palm Sunday!


  1. What a cool tradition you have to read this book every Holy Week. I have so many wondrous memories from childhood of all we did every Holy Week. Lots of time in church, you best believe! Happy Easter Sarah!

    1. Thank you so much Judy, Happy Easter to you as well. I am so thankful I found this book, it has been absolutely wonderful. The author has another about the birth of Jesus, which is written in much the same way, looking at the books of the Gospel side by side, and covering those events.


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