Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tackling the TBR | Week 40: Oct 22 - Oct 31, 2019

Basically, I have a huge TBR and often end up reading new books that are not even on my list, instead of trying to whittle down the list that continues to balloon on Goodreads. I am going to make a real effort to get those books read instead of always grabbing new ones and thus never making a dent in the physical and digital stacks I already have. It will also gives me a chance to take a good look at my list and see if there are ones I'm no longer interested in. I will be posting on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and the last day of the month.

Previous Week's TBR Total: 3,216

Currently Reading: 7

Books Added to TBR: 18

Books Removed from TBR: 0

Books Read: 7

Books DNF-ed: 0

Duplicates Removed: 1

New TBR Total: 3,229

I would have totally been fine had I not rediscovered the love for Mary Downing Hahn that I had as a child. As a result, I went on a mini-bender this week and added all of her books that were published from when I was in college and on to my TBR and am waiting for them to arrive at my library. Plus there are a few I missed out on as a kid, though I am not sure how.


  1. Replies
    1. Nice! Many of the books I added were those Mary Downing Hahn ones, so after I finish making my rounds today I am going to try to plow through as many as I can! Eleanor is at her dad's house, so I may be able to finish quite a few.

  2. my sense of organization disappeared at an early age... not that i leave books lying all over the house/ well, i do, but there are bookshelves... never enough tho... the trouble is i'm always just starting a book then get interested in another one; i've discovered through bitter experience that this behavior leads to chaos, but that in itself is sort of interesting... surprises around every little corner...

    1. I always read a few at a time! The majority of my reads are non-fiction, so it is easier to keep them separated in my head I think. I could never read several fiction novels at once, that would be a disaster.

  3. my mountain of a tbr is one of those things i will never conquer, but i keep on trying. i have a lot of kindle books that aren't even on it.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I finally buckled down and went through my Kindle and got every last book added to the TBR. it took A LOT of work, there were hundreds. But I am determined to keep hacking away at it.


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