Thursday, June 27, 2024

First Line Friday #187

First Line Friday is a weekly feature and simple to do - grab the book nearest you and post the first line. Carrie hosts this over on her blog Reading is my Superpower.

Like the alphabet or the zodiac, the periodic table of elements is one of those graphic images that seem to root themselves forever in our memories.

Happy Reading!


  1. "Far away from the glamour of a snowbound Vienna, a thin, pale young man with watery blue eyes was enjoying his own pleasures as 1889 began."

    The Assassination of the Archduke - Sarajevo 1914 and the Murder that Changed the World by Greg King and Sue Woolmans.

    1. Added this one to my TBR! I like Greg King's books for the most part. Hope this is a good one!

    2. About 25% in. Liking it so far. Very insightful regarding the Archduke and what he (and his wife) had to put up with inside the rigid hidebound Empire. Sad.

  2. Interesting first line and quite true I think. I still have a vivid picture in my mind of the long-ago wall chart of the elements from my high school chemistry class.


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