Monday, July 8, 2024

Monday Meme #48

I am reviving this little feature after eight years. You might see a couple recycled from when I did this in 2016, but they were funny then and they are still funny now. Occasionally they will be more introspective or comforting. No matter what, they will be about reading and books.

True story. But as I was once lamenting this to my pastor, he looked at me like I was a silly goose and asked what I thought Heaven would look like for me. But I am still going to do my best to read every book I can before I go.

Happy Reading!


  1. Few things better than a never ending reading list. I always pity those in earlier ages when it was indeed possible to read *everything* published!!

    1. Right?!?! Like, here are ten books that took 80 years to copy. Then what do you do when you're done reading them?? Most likely die young of the plague, but still.

    2. On the PLUS side... You wouldn't be dying with books yet unread, so you'd have that comfort....

    3. lol, true. I can't decide which is worse, the plague and unread books...

  2. I think heaven for me would be an literary pub where every table had an interesting author/mind, and always a spot open -- oh, hey, there's Jack and Warnie and Tollers, and then across the room there's Abigail Adams arguing with Emma Goldman....


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