Saturday, July 13, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #296

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc

Library Treasures

Prime First Reads

Happy Reading


  1. They look interesting. I particularly like the look of Secrets Never Die and Home is where the bodies are.

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Secrets was okay, but the villain kind of came out of nowhere and I hate when thrillers do that, when there is no inkling. I don't think it is fair to the reader to introduce the villain when there has been zero backstory created to make them a possibility, you know?

      Home was good and kept me guessing. Even had a moment as the reveal was happening that threw me off thinking I was wrong, but it was a trick.

  2. Just one non-fiction from me this week...

    Echolands - A Journey in Search of Boudica by Duncan Mackay.

    1. I'M NOT EVEN MAD ABOUT THIS ONE!! I tell Eleanor all the time how lucky she is that I discovered Eleanor of Aquitaine before Bouddica. But Bouddica was her nickname, which became Bouda and Boudi, then Boogs and Boog-a-loo. Isn't it funny how names evolve?

    2. I thought I was on safe ground with this one - assuming that you'd already read it, reviewed it and moved on... [lol] Boudi is a pretty cool name and FUN (at least for the parent) to explain to people.

      I'm starting to wonder how many of my unread Tudor books you haven't come across... [muses]

    3. I wish! But there are so many books about her I will probably never get to read because they aren't published here. I request everything for our library to purchase, but if their suppliers can't get it, then that's it. It sucks, because there are so many of yours I have suggested, but the order was not approved.

      There are probably a lot of Tudor books I don't even know about, which makes me so sad. Even though I have read pretty much everything I can get my hands on here about them, there's something comforting about reading about people I "know" so well. I don't feel like there are a ton of new revelations, but I love the varying perspectives of different authors.

    4. When you request a book from your library, how big a pool do they look in? As far as I know, whenever I requested one (years ago when I *haunted* my local library), the whole national system was the resource. I can think of very few (VERY obscure) books that they didn't manage to get for me. I'm not sure if it was my fault - potentially I think it was at least a bit - but the cost of me requesting an inter-library loan' went up from 10p to £1 (a ten-fold increase) in the years I used the service. That was probably partially to pay for it and partially to put people off (like me!) from making "frivolous" requests... [lol]

      I'll see about testing your Tudor book knowledge/reading history towards the end of the year... [grin]

    5. I'm talking about requesting that the library purchase the book because it is not in the collection yet. We have I think 16 branches in our city library system, so it is a pretty massive collection already. They have specific suppliers they can purchase from, so if it isn't available, they can't just go to Amazon, which I think is stupid but I don't make the rules.

      I have used interlibrary loan before, and the system searches every library data base in the entire country. Then we just have to pay the shipping fee to return it. I don't think I have ever paid more than a couple dollars. They also ask the max you want to spend on shipping, which is a nice filter.

      I'm sure there are so may Tudor books just waiting for me!!

  3. You have some great looking books. Hope you enjoy them all.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thank you! Some are already done and were fantastic. Others are...done. lol


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