Sunday, March 11, 2018

What If...

Isn't this one of the coolest, most terrifying things a bookworm could think of??!!


  1. Yikes! That is a bit of mind bender!

  2. That is pretty scary but then I could blame someone else for all my problems!

    1. Ha, right? Personal responsibility would go straight out the window!

  3. Try this then:

    Woman with a Blue Pencil by Gordon McAlpine

    On the eve of Pearl Harbor, Sam Sumida, a Japanese-American academic, has been thrust into the role of amateur P.I., investigating his wife's murder, which has been largely ignored by the LAPD. Grief stricken by her loss, disoriented by his ill-prepared change of occupation, the worst is yet to come, Sam discovers that, inexplicably, he has become not only unrecognizable to his former acquaintances but that all signs of his existence (including even the murder he's investigating) have been erased. Unaware that he is a discarded, fictional creation, he resumes his investigation in a world now characterized not only by his own sense of isolation but by wartime fear.

    1. I'm tempted by it just because it's so 'out there'!

    2. Sounds like an episode from 'The Twilight Zone'.

    3. Oh gosh, yes! What if we are all the guy in this book and we DON'T KNOW IT?! Except, we know it now, because we are discussing it. Is the world going to explode? Hmmm.

  4. Ok, I probably shouldn't have read your post or the CyberKitten story just before bedtime. My brain is going to be trying to work out all the ramifications and I won't get any sleep!

    1. Oh goodness no, now you will be awake all night wondering if you are REALLY awake, or if you are dreaming this all up about whether you exist or not.


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