Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature co-hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc. Never has my addiction been more obvious than when I am now keeping track of every single book I acquire.
Amazon (via BookBub)



What did you add to your stash this week?
Happy Reading!
Ooh, volcanos!
ReplyDeleteI bought "The Invaders", about how humans and dogs together drove the Neanderthals into extinction. Yay?
It's been on my TBR list forever, but it's just now started appearing in used markets for cheap.
I love reading about volcanoes, but then I feel bad for thinking they're so cool when Hawaii is being decimated right now. It is a very strange thing to be watching coverage of this and being like, "Wow, I have been there. I have seen Kilauea and Mauna Loa with my own eyes, stood at the look-out from the Jaggar museum and seen Mauna Loa fuming, and been to Volcano National Park to see the beauty that the devastation can bring about after the threat has subsided.
DeleteI think Invaders is on my TBR. If not, it will be shortly!
Just one this week and that was an impulse buy after I heard that the 100th anniversary of the event had just passed....
ReplyDeleteZeebrugge - Eleven VCs before Breakfast by Barrie Pitt
Oh, and as you probably know I read the Titanic book you mention in February 2012. I definitely think you'll enjoy it.
One, very nice! I was sitting at only two, until I caved and took a look at BookBub and saw Eruption, which then lead to the Ismay and Nazi books.
DeleteYes! Ismay is an interesting character and there are such conflicting accounts of his behavior throughout the voyage, and on that fateful night. I am hoping this book gives some more insight, as he is not at all likable in the movie.
Volcanoes! They do fascinate me and have done ever since I went up Mt Teide in Tenerife. I just wish I'd had a better camera and took more photos. I'd love to visit Italy and the western US to see more of them. I'm always watching volcano docs on tv. For me this week it was dinosaurs, EMPs and horror!
ReplyDeleteMy ultimate volcano bucket list is to see Pompeii, sitting ever-so calmly in the shadow of Vesuvius. I looked up info on Mt Teide, very cool!
DeletePompeii is pretty neat but Herculaneum is better. If you have to choose between the two I'd go for Herculaneum. It's much better preserved and shows much more of the Roman architecture and little details.
DeleteYES! I have heard this. Ideally I would like to explore the whole area. And I am simultaneously eager for Eleanor to grow faster so we can explore these places together when she is at an age where she will treasure and understand the experiences, yet I constantly tell her I wish she was still in my tummy so I could carry her everywhere and never have to share her with anyone, lol.
DeleteI think 8 or so is a good age to start exploring other continents. She will be young enough to not be bothered by the basic differences, and old enough to understand what she is seeing/learning about.
Ooh, looks an interesting haul! And ooh, I should look on Netgalley; I enjoyed one of Ashdown-Hill's other books on Richard III.
ReplyDeleteMy STS.
His perspective on Richard III is interesting and his books are well-researched I feel. while I don't agree with all of his conclusions, he always seemed to me a thorough historian (though I at least somewhat question the sanity of anyone who works with Philippa Langley, she is bonkers). He passed away just a week and a half ago.
DeleteI feel so badly for the people in Hawaii with the erupting volcano but do think Eruption could be pretty interesting.
ReplyDeleteIt really is awful. I see pictures and I am completely blown away by the destruction. I took my grandma on a trip to Hawaii in 2010. We did a day trip to the Big Island from Oahu and the main attraction was the Jaggar Museum and Volcano National Park. At Jaggar you are on Kilauea and about twenty miles in the distance is Mauna Loa. I stood there, watching Kilauea continuously send up smoke as we wandered around the museum. It is terrible to think of this beautiful area now, so devastated.
DeleteEruption looks fascinating, because volcanos. I remember reading something about Mt St. Helens at one point, and it was flabbergasting the extent of the destruction. And I've been reading a bit about the Cascadia fault lately (that's scary) and the Yellowstone volcano, and it sounds awful but I'm kinda glad I'm not in that area??? Oh and reading over this comment I imagine flabbergasting is NOT a word, but I left it. *shrug* lol
ReplyDeleteAnyway happy weekend!
Flabbergasting is TOTALLY a word now. I am going to use it. The Yellowstone Super Volcano is fucking terrifying, pardon my language. The ash alone would reach the eastern seaboard. Life would change completely for the entire US and probably into Mexico and Canada as well (I must say I have not looked into this much on how the continent/world would be impacted, as the documentaries I have seen focused on the US). I've seen a couple good docs about Mt St Helens as well. I don't know anything about the Cascadia fault - San Andreas has me worried quite regularly though!
DeleteOh the Cascadia thing is terrifying too- I wasn't sure if you were familiar with it, but there's this. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/07/20/the-really-big-one
DeleteOf course yeah the Yellowstone volcano is not good either lol. Too much potential apocalypse!
Holy guacamole, Cascadia is WAY more terrifying than San Andreas! I was not familiar with it at all, thanks for the information. Looks like I will need to find some books about the plates, earthquakes, seismology in general, etc.
DeleteYour NetGalley haul looks great :) I actually didn't haul anything this week! Amazing, I know :) but now I feel like I am allowed to haul next week, haha xD
ReplyDeleteI was so good! I only had TWO! But, I am pretty proud of myself because I looked at quite a few via BookBub and only bought Eruption. Yay me. Yay you. Yay for books!
DeleteI don't think I've hauled any books this week, though I did get six last weekend so ...
ReplyDeleteObviously this means you can get 12 next week, right?
DeleteI *think* that's how it works..... [muses]
DeleteOF COURSE that is how it works! Do you not know me but at all?! lol