Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Game Over!

It was a good run and I came super close to reading thirteen books in seven days. I finished ten of the thirteen, and have added the last three on my TBR so that I can find them when Eleanor and I head back home now that Christmas Break is winding down.


  1. Blimey! And I thought I read fast ;-)
    Excellent haul though

    1. Aw, thanks! There is no way I could have gotten as many read as I did, if Eleanor and I had not been home on Christmas break. Luckily we were, and I read some really, really great books.

  2. WHOA that is IMPRESSIVE. Ten books in a week!?!? HOW? I bow to you. I hope they were good, too!

    1. Thank you :) I have to confess I was able to do so because it was Christmas vacation (I'm a teacher), and my daughter and I were home with my mom for two weeks. The ones I got through were just lovely (mostly, I think the lowest I rated one was a three), and it was a great way to spend break, with my family and my books!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you!! I am so bummed I did not get to the RBG one. But, I have read some so-so reviews on it, so perhaps it is for the best that I get to it at a later time.


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