Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Would You Rather... | #41

I began posting this back in 2018 and thought I would bring it back, given that my motivation to blog has returned with force. You might recognize some from prior use, but I am changing up which ones are paired together to give a variety of choices.

There's no real criteria or guidelines. Choose the nook you would love most if given a choice, justify it however you'd like.

Nook A

Nook B

Which one do you love most?

Happy Reading!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Spell the Month in Books | July

I am FINALLY getting around to this one, which is hosted by Jana @ Reviews from the Stacks. I have seen Marianne do this one forever and keep saying I would start...and then forget because, well, I don't know.

It's really easy. Just find book titles which spell the month in question. Jana does post optional themes for the months, if you like having that guide. I will not be using them, as themes are usually harder to do with non-fiction.






All of these are from my TBR, so hopefully it is yet another way for me to focus on that.

Happy Reading!

Monday Meme #47

I am reviving this little feature after eight years. You might see a couple recycled from when I did this in 2016, but they were funny then and they are still funny now. Occasionally they will be more introspective or comforting. No matter what, they will be about reading and books.

I am torn on this one. I alays use bookmarks for library books, but there are some books I own that I have highlighted, underlined, wrote in the margins, etc. And my Bible has all of that, plus post-its with notes also scribbled on them. I don't ever do this with fiction, though.

Happy Reading!