Saturday, March 7, 2020

Reading and Writing and Sleep, Oh My!

It actually started yesterday and I am excited for more sleep, but also super bummed because Eleanor attends school in a district different from the one I teach in, so our breaks don't match up in the spring. It really stinks. However, she does have this coming Friday off so we will get to have a special day together. She even asked if she could stay home with me for all of break, and trust me, this child is hard to say no to. Buuuuuut, I can't really justify her missing five days of school, so I had to nix that idea quick. I did go have lunch with her at school yesterday, and it will be nice to be able to pick her up from school every day (she gets out a half hour before my school does, so she goes to her best friend's house).

The small plus side of all of that is I will at least get to play some major catch-up on posts and comments from the last week or so. We had parent-teacher conferences this past week and I was so tired that I barely looked at the blog, wrote no reviews, and only posted memes and features that I had already prepared and only had to hit 'publish' on. I am going to get a lot done in the next six days and hopefully make a bigger dent in that 'Upcoming Reviews' list. A couple months ago I posted about this and asked people to look over the list and let me know any books that they were interested in reading a review of, and I would put those at the top of my review priority list. I am still getting to some of them, but would also welcome any further additions that people are interested in!

I was on a roll with it for a bit last week and the week before, so I was pretty proud of that. But as always, I am also reading, and therefore adding new books to it as well. It's kind of a lose-lose situation if I were a negative-thinking person, but I prefer to think that I will be all caught up on reviews by the end of 2020. I have about ten months (rounding generously) to get my shit together and I am (almost) certain I can do it!

What are you reading this week? Do you have an exciting plans with your family coming up? Let me know!

Happy Reading,


  1. Our spring holiday is linked to Easter in the UK, so both my girls and I have to wait another month for our 2 week break. Like you, I'm planning on using those 2 weeks to catch up on reviews and get some scheduled posts written.
    I hope you also take some time to sit back and relax too, Sarah, as working in a school is tough 😘

    1. Thank you, Flora! When I was growing up, our spring break was around Easter as well, and we had Easter Monday off too. That's when Eleanor's break is, basically Passion Week without that following Monday off. AND guess what?! Eleanor got sick, so she is home today anyway. We are snuggled up and watching movies and reading.

  2. That is too bad that you don't have the same break as your daughter. At least you do get one day. My daughter will be home for her break soon and I am looking forward to it. Good luck with getting caught up with reviews. I always seem to have reviews to write! Have a great week!

    1. That's exciting! I always looked forward to those breaks as a college student. We've ended up getting two days together, as Eleanor got sick over the weekend and had to stay home today because her fever had not been gone 24 hours yet. But she is so much more active and feeling like herself that I am hopeful she can go tomorrow so she will not miss too much school.

  3. I guess by now you are both on an extended break. Stay will and have good dreams.

    1. Oh yes, we received word on Thursday that my district would be closed for the week and then Friday morning Eleanor's closed. We are having grand adventures already, with science experiments and growing crystals and reading and painting rocks.


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