Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature co-hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc.
Library Treasures

What did you add to your stash this week?
Happy Reading!
Obama and Joe were the source of some of the funniest memes back in late 2016. :-D
ReplyDeleteI checked out "The Body in the Library" by Agatha Christie, and bought "The Ground Beneath Us". That one proved to be an interesting mix of history, science, nature writing, and general reflection.
I do miss the bromance memes. Those are what got me through a lot of the depression after the election. But they also made me really sad at the same time, because, well, trump.
DeleteI am planning to start reading more Christie. I have never read Miss Marple or Poirot.
Barack and Joe... sigh I miss them. Very stable Genius I do want to read (and will probably throw at the wall) lol
ReplyDeleteI miss them as a team. I personally do not think Biden will beat trump and the DNC is making another big mistake just like they did in 2016.
DeleteStable Genius IS as infuriating as you assume, because people who could do something, didn't. And also because 60 million morons voted for him in the first place.
Wasn't expecting anything this week - and then I picked up a bad cold so.... absolutely nothing from me this week. I did manage to order a book from Amazon though - as it's now March so....
ReplyDeleteStable Genius is DEFINITELY on my buy the day it comes out in paperback (or on decent offer in hardback) list!
Stable Genius is one that I would say check out from the library. There is nothing new in terms of the events and situations covered, though we at least get much further details and conversations from behind-the-scenes. It is also infuriating because I do not give a shit about any of these people 'doing the right thing' AFTER they are out of the administration. They should have done something when they had the power to do so.
DeleteI received two translated books in the mail from my Archipelago Books subscription: Treasure of the Spanish Civil War by Serge Pey and Book Two of a three book series by Slovenian writer Michael Biggins (problem with that one is I don't have Book One!)
ReplyDeleteI am interested to see what you make of Stable Genius.
That is so frustrating, when you get the books out of order!
DeleteStable Genius only served to piss me off further. It is well-written, but we already know of the events and situations addressed. We do get more in-depth behind-the-scenes conversations, but I have no respect for people who are only speaking out AFTER leaving the WH.
I don't think that I have read any books on more current political figures. I bought two books at a local book signing. Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty depressing, so I am not reading much. Especially as we are in the lead-up to the election. I already have a headache from it, and we are still eight months away.