Saturday, February 29, 2020

Tackling the TBR Week 8: Feb 22 - Feb 29, 2020

My TBR has been out of control for YEARS. Then in January of 2019 I started tracking weekly my true reading/acquiring habits, and voila! I have been able to keep on top of things a little bit better. I may never get below 1,000 books, but at least I won't be topping out over 5,000! When a book cover is linked, it goes to the review here on my blog.

I will be posting on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and the last day of the month. Feel free to join in if you'd like!

If you read these posts often, you will recall that it's usually just a boring list of numbers. I am trying to make it more interactive and show off what I am reading and potential treasures I am finding.


Previous Week's TBR Total: 3,119

Currently Reading: 13
43883755 45865916 36610139 

Books Added to TBR: 1
Books Removed from TBR: 2

Books Read: 5
18659623 44786054. sy475  25634188. sy475  447971 42060068

Books DNF-ed: 0

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 3,115

Any of these catch your eye? Have you already read any? Let me know!

Happy Reading!


  1. I honestly have no idea how many unread books I have. Don't tell my husband but it is a lot. It looks like you are doing great!

    1. It took ages to go through and determine just how many books I had unread on my Kindle. I am pretty good about adding physical books to Goodreads, the scan feature makes it so easy.


Thanks for visiting my little book nook. I love talking books so leave a comment and let's chat!