*Last week and this week have become insanely busy as I am trying to complete IEPs and paperwork for all of my kiddos now that school is ending on May 15th (a week early). As a result, I don't have much time right now to write reviews, but I do have time to complain about books I am waiting for that have still not arrived.
You can find the first edition HERE.
This post is not entirely serious, but maybe a little bit.
Obviously libraries have been closed for quite a while now - going on I think six weeks now? This means there has been a huge increase in the ebook holds, I am sure. I am one of those people requesting now, as I almost never get ebooks. I want physical copies from the library whenever I can get them.
There are a few books I have put in hold requests for, and I am STILL without them. I am pouting and I realize this is an insanely ridiculous #FirstWorldProblem to be complaining about, but I have not yet complained once since this whole thing started - mostly because I love being at home with my baby girl all day.
Books I Am Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiting For
1. The Sun Down Motel 
Hold Date: March 30th
Starting Position: 19 on 2 copies
Current Position: 10 on 2 copies
I have seen this one around for so long and finally decided this was the time to read it. I am becoming more interested in adult thrillers, though YA thrillers and Karen McManus will always be my #1s.
2. Wayside School Beneath the Cloud of Doom 
Hold Date: March 31st
Starting Position: 4 on 1 copy
Current Position: 1 on 1 copy
You might think this is for Eleanor, but you are wrong Wrong WRONG. I have loved these stories since I was a child and have loved reading them to my classes, and to Eleanor. So yes, it is kind if for her but it is also for me. I was so excited when I found out a few months ago that there would finallyyyyyyyyyyy be a fourth book and had originally put in a hold for a physical copy when the books were still on-order. The library system closed before they could get those copies out, but the ebooks are still available so here we are. I AM NEXT. NEXT!
3. Eight Perfect Murders 
Hold Date: April 11th
Starting Position: 17 on 3 copies
Current Position: 14 on 3 copies
I saw this on Ethan's blog TWO WEEKS AGO and have hardly moved up in the queue at all. In TWO WEEKS! On THREE COPIES!
4. Perfect Little Children 
Hold Date: April 21st
Starting Position: 9 on 2 copies
Current Position: 7 on 2 copies
I actually can't be mad about this one because I just requested it four days ago.
5. The Woman in Cabin 10 
Hold Date: April 21st
Starting Position: 24 on 3 copies
Current Position: 19 on 3 copies
I requested this one the same day as #4 because I was told they have a similar feel.
6. Force of Nature 
Hold Date: April 21st
Starting Position: 4 on 1 copy
Current Position: 3 on 1 copy
Team-building gone awry? Sure, why not?!
Okay, so I realize in the grand scheme of things this is not a huge issue. But I really want these books, never mind the fact that I have a pile from NetGalley and hundreds of unread books on my Kindle and five-shelf bookcase stacked two and three deep.
Happy Reading,
Gosh they are just inching along on The Sundown Motel! I'm applauding your patience lol.
ReplyDeleteI want to scream. SCREAM! But I have to remind myself often that most people do not read as fast as I do and I can't expect everyone to be on my level, but seriously, they need to GET ON MY LEVEL!
DeleteSideways Stories came this afternoon, Eleanor and I started it right away. I was a little nervous, because I oved the series so much as a kid, but also as an adult reading with Eleanor and my students. I am happy to report that forty years after the first book came out, this one does not sound or feel any different so far.
Dude I am buying Sun Down Motel because it sounds awesome and creepy AF. And thrillers are the bomb! I thought The woman in Cabi 10 was pretty good. I bought it just for the cover haha but the story was fun.
ReplyDeleteYES!! I have high hopes for Sun Down because I have read so many good things. A little more mixed on Cabin 10 but I love an unreliable narrator and I have seen her described as such.
Delete#Allthebooks :)
ReplyDeleteYES #ALLTHEBOOKS!!!!! :)
DeleteJust wait until all of these books come to you at the same time...lol. I think that happens every single time. The Sun Down Motel is a good one.
ReplyDeleteI am totally up for the challenge if they do! I am super excite for Sun Down. I want it NOW!!!!!