Thursday, April 30, 2020

State of the ARC #23

State of the ARC is a monthly feature hosted by Avalinah's Books.
All the rules can be found at the link provided. I am temporarily hosting for Evelina until she is able to get back into it. So, until then, thanks for joining me here!

Links go to my review. The majority of the ARCs I receive are through NetGalley. Some have also come from publicists, or were offered to me from a publisher who specifically approved me for it on NetGalley; I will always note in the review how I acquired the ARC.

Awaiting My Attention:

 43561506 52880216. sx318 sy475  The Lost Pianos of Siberia 49348736  50765199. sx318 sy475  51352065 53084465. sx318 sy475  52756711. sx318 sy475 51351911 52437134

Publisher Gift

Reading Now
45046797 45046716 53136920. sx318 sy475  53054936. sx318 sy475  49128496  51351964 51351989 51542229 52578667

Did Not Finish

Finished, Review to Come
 51149079. sx318 sy475  42190005 52754197. sx318 sy475  48647491

Review or Feedback Sent
48994779 52322053 50189951
45551432. sx318  50204801. sx318 sy475

So there is a big difference from last month to this month because in early April I went on a bender and requested twenty, TWENTY!, new ARCs. I have not had a binge like that in a loooooooong time and my ratio will suffer for it. However, in my defense, they all look suuuuper good and I WANT THEM ALL!

When I first started blogging my monthly State of the ARC I felt like I was drowning in ARCs. My main goal was to get my NetGalley feedback ratio above 80% and thanks to this meme, I slowly but surely clawed my way up. At my highest I was at 97%. I am currently at 85% now after this binge.

How have you done with your ARCs in the last couple months without State of the ARC around? Did you keep posting your own, or are you just starting back now?

I am so excited to be helping out, let's talk ARCs!

Happy Reading


  1. Oh my goodness! Twenty ARCs? That's outrageous!
    They do look interesting though so fingers crossed that they're all worth your time.
    I'm finding I'm reading a lot of memoirs and biographies at the moment. Not by design particularly, but I'm more drawn to real life than fiction right now.

    1. It ended up coming to 28, I forgot to update that part of the post - oops. Actually, 29, because the new Karen McManus book is up now and I requested it last night. I am OUT OF CONTROL AND I BLAME LINDSI! lol

      You know how I feel about real life stories! I have found some interesting micro-histories lately too, which is something I love.

  2. I look like a rookie compared to you! I only had 4 this month and have only 2 more to review lol.

    1. Lol, no, you just have more self control!

      NetGalley is so dangerous. Before I really understood how the site worked, I just requested a crap-ton of books and it was such a struggle to reach 80% because I got approved for all of them. THEN I couldn't get approved for anything because my ratio was so low. Only got above 80% thanks to Evelina, who I actually found through Stephanie up there ^.

  3. Replies
    1. lol, just as I suspected you would! :D At this point I can own it, I have requested more since then. Not many, but some.

  4. I am slowly working my way out of my NetGalley hole. I have more than 70 books to review just for NetGalley. To move my ratio even a single %, I have to submit feedback for 5 or 6 books. I am getting closer!

    1. That's a lot! I was never quite that far down, but I think I was in the 30s at one point. State of the ARC definitely helped me out a lot and if you have time next month, you are welcome to join us!

  5. I've recently gone on a binge or two as well! But the books you've got are looking so interesting.

    1. It was SO BAD, and as you can see a few comments above, Lindsi still refuses to take responsibility for this, lol. Just kidding; I was looking at one of her recent ARC posts and she had so many great ones coming up, and we talekd about people probably getting approved at this time especially, because we are all (supposed to be) home. Sure enough, I went on a major bender and so far have only be declined for the new McManus book, which I figured I would be. I even got all my wish list books granted!


Thanks for visiting my little book nook. I love talking books so leave a comment and let's chat!