I began this book last week and would love to have discussions based on the prompts provided within the book. The book is set up so that after each day's reading, there are a handful of prompts to respond to. Feel free to respond to as many or as few as you like. I would love for this to be a discussion and a place where we can learn and grow together. Please be honest, because that is the only way anything will change.
Additionally, I have been compiling a list of books under the #BlackLivesMatter Reading List tab. I am usually adding books daily that I find, or are recommended by others. Please leave a comment on that page if you have titles to add. I hope you can find titles on this list that you will learn from as well.
Day Ten Prompts
1. Think about the country you live in. What are some of the national racial stereotypes - spoken and unspoken, historic, and modern - associated with Black men?
2. What kinds of relationships have you had and do you have with Black men, and how deep are those relationships?
3. How do you think about Black men who are citizens in your country differently from those who are recent immigrants?
4. How have you treated darker-skinned Black men differently from lighter-skinned Black men?
5. What are some of the stereotypes you have thought and negative assumptions you have made about Black men, and how have these affected how you have treated them?
6. How have you excluded, discounted, minimized, used, tone policed, or projected your white fragility and white superiority onto Black men?
7. How have you fetishized Black men?
8. How much freedom do you give Black men in your mind to be complex and multilayered human beings?
Let's talk!
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